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universal6 star tag team

WAR 208

Started by sefwun, August 12, 2019, 10:01:58 AM

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Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

Theme Music: Justice by Rev Theory

Venue: Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, MI


Main Event
SEFWUN Universal Championship Match

Rick Reynolds v. Tina(c)

Singles Match
Jade West v. Ravenna

9 Man Triple Threat Tag Team Match
SEFWUN Triple Tag Team Championship

A Native Americano + Cliff O Clink + Simon Lee Nash v. Viper + Bill Roberts + Robbie Ruckus v. The Resurrector(c) + Hal Havoc(c) + Josh Diabolical(c)

Singles Match
"The Phoenix" Jake Voss v. Chris Orton

Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Match
SEFWUN Tag Team Championship

Priceless Paine v. The Perry Sisters v. LAJ & Mesa v. Black Day(c)



Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

Justice by Rev Theory blasts over the pa of the sold out Little Caesars Arena in Detroit Michigan bringing the native crowd to their feet ready for another edition of WAR. From ringside we hear the familiar voice of Nick Miller welcome us to the show.

"Hello everyone and welcome to Wednesday night WAR! Tonight is about some tag team action and a Universal Championship match. Three titles on the line with the first being defended in our opening match. Its going to be a fatal four way tag team match for the SEFWUN Tag Team Championship. Priceless Paine, The Perry Sisters, and the team of Mesa and LAJ all challenger the champs, The Black Day."

Bill McLane chimes in now.

"Black Day better be ready as we got two teams in there who are multiple time tag team champions in this industry. Priceless Paine is the team to beat anyways!"

Nick says.

"They are one of the best tag teams in the world, but Jay and Mesa are as well. Black Day won the titles from Destruction let's not forget, so they beat one of the best teams already. The Perry Sisters could be that wild card and slip in to win it if they get the right chance."

Fatal 4 Way Tornado Tag Team Match
SEFWUN Tag Team Championship
Priceless Paine v. The Perry Sisters v. LAJ & Mesa v. Black Day(c)

Viper, Bill Roberts, and Robbie Ruckus get involved to insure Priceless Paine walk out the winners.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: Priceless Paine

Raise Up by Saliva plays over the pa as Jason Price and Chris Paine stand tall with their titles and Viper stands between them raising their arms in the air while Nick Miller says.

"What the hell is Viper doing? Did Priceless Paine join the Deadly Alliance?"

Bill McLane says.

"I don't know, but we have new Tag Team Champions."

Nick says.

"That we do, but New Day has to be upset over this. Can't wait to see what they may do, but up next is Chris Orton returning to singles action against The Phoenix."

Singles Match
"The Phoenix" Jake Voss v. Chris Orton

Winner via Forfeit: Jake Voss

9 Man Triple Threat Tornado Tag Team Match
SEFWUN Triple Tag Team Championship
A Native Americano + Cliff O Clink + Simon Lee Nash v. Hick Janes + Bill Roberts + Robbie Ruckus v. The Resurrector(c) + Hal Havoc(c) + Josh Diabolical(c)

Hick Janes replaces Viper in the match, but Viper still gets involved, plus The Resurrector doesn't show up leaving Hal Havoc and Josh Diabolical to defend the titles on their own. ANA, Cliff, and Simon put up a good fight looking to win the titles, but Priceless Paine get involved. Jake Voss comes out to help his IX buddies, but Hick gets the pin over Josh to win this match.

Winners and NEW Triple Tag Team Champions: Hick Janes, Bill Roberts, Robbie Ruckus

The new champs along with Viper and Priceless Paine retreat with their titles as IX takes the ring regroups to take the ring and A Native Americano with a microphone in hand shouts.


ANA catching his breath a bit, then says.

"Viper, you are forming your last alliance in this company. I promise you that Viper, you will go to your hole after this, you will be a memory that may remain because of your legacy in this ring, but you are on borrowed time. You are not dominant nor are you the player you were. I will end you Viper, I promise everyone that I will end you, I will end the King of Gods."

ANA tossing the mic down and raises his arms up in a X as Raise Your Glass by Pink plays over the pa bringing Simon, Cliff, and Jake into pose with him, then they all do crotch chops as Nick Miller says.

"I think its fair to say The Deadly Alliance has grown to include Priceless Paine, but ANA roaring back at Viper and IX standing tall."

Bill McLane says.

"The DA has the titles though, they are growing not just in numbers, but in gold. IX needs to go away!"

Nick says.

"I doubt that is going to happen, not when we have an alliance such as the one Viper is leading. Tonight's main event could see a serious shift in power if Rick Reynolds can take the Universal Title from Tina as its the Deadly Alliance versus Impact X in the headliner. But before we get to that we have Jade West hopefully getting her hands on Ravenna."

Singles Match
Jade West v. Ravenna

Winner via Forfeit: Jade West

The lights dim down and "King of The Hole" by Skrew plays as the crowd begins to boo and out walks Rick in a spotlight scanning over the sea of fans with a disgusted smirk. He just moves down the aisle keeping away from them as the announcer introduces him.

"Making his way to the ring from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at two hundred nineteen pounds, he is The Natural Sinner......Rick Reynolds!"

Boos continue to pour from every fan as Rick gets more cocky now and heads up the steps. He moves along the apron looking out at the fans with an arrogant smirk and steps into the ring raising his arms up. Rick undoes his robe and motions to his body with even more arrogance, then tosses it over the ropes to the staff and leans back in a corner awaiting the opening bell. I Miss The Misery by Halestorm plays over the pa and out comes the Universal Champion carrying her title plus the Anarchy Women's Title with one over each shoulder. The Golden Gal strutting out on the stage as the announcer says.

"And now making her way to the ring from Sacramento California, she weighs in at one hundred thirty five pounds, she is the SEFWUN Universal Champion and the Anarchy Women's Champion, Tina."

And on that note she drops her titles to bolt down the aisle and slide in the ring leaping up to fly into Rick with a dropkick to the face.

Main Event
SEFWUN Universal Championship Match
Rick Reynolds v. Tina(c)

Tina pummeling Rick in a corner with punches, let's him out and drop toeholds him to the mat to float over into a front facelock. Tina slamming her knees to his head and lifts the Natural Sinner into a ddt spiking him hard on the mat and rolls to the corner heading up top. Tina flipping off with a 450 splash landing it on Rick and goes for the pin, but Rick kicks out just before three. Tina up in the referees face demanding that its over, but gets told no and to back off, so she does and kicks Rick in his head. The Golden Gal waiting for him to get up and pats the back of her thigh showing us what is coming, but here comes Priceless Paine, Jason Price and Chris Paine. They jump on to the apron distracting the ref as JEM comes from the crowd to slide in the ring tackling Tina. JEM trying to pull Tina up for Fall of a Kingdom, but gets twisted around and whipped into the ropes where the ref stands sending him colliding with Jason and Chris. Tina with a superkick to JEM and Rick rolls Tina up in a small package, but Tina kicking out it would seem, though the ref is out. Rick looking around to see it and waves Jason and Chris in who come in to pull Tina up. A Native Americano comes charging out to slide in and bounce off the ropes with a double clothesline to Jason and Chris, then pulls JEM up and sends her out of the ring. Viper comes running out with Hick Janes, Bill Roberts, and Robbie Ruckus and the four of them enter the ring to beat down ANA ending with Hick delivering the Extreme Effect to him. Tina and Rick fighting it out as the ref is coming to in time to see Viper grab Tina in a waistlock to german suplex her, so the ref calls the end of the match.

Winner via DQ: Tina

Viper getting up to spear the ref when Jake Voss, Cliff O Clink, and Simon Lee Nash run out with Jake sending Viper into a corner, then tees off with Robbie. Cliff meeting Bill and Hick all over Simon as he enters. Jason and Chris getting up to help Rick beat down Tina and toss her out of the ring as Viper helps JEM back in and they help Robbie dispose of Jake to the outside. Jason and Chris helping get Cliff out of the ring and then Simon is left surrounded by this new alliance who disposes of him to all stand united in the ring. Viper getting a microphone as JEM hugs all the guys in the ring with her looking super friendly with them all as she rubs all over them, kissing them even. Viper with an arm around her pulling to him and says.

"What you are looking at is the most Deadly Alliance in all of pro wrestling today, in all of sports entertainment around the world, we are the best of the best whether you like us or not. The Deadly Alliance is not going to cater to you, give you what you want. We are going to take what we want, and we will do it by destroying everyone. Impact X is nothing to us. The rebellion may as well die tonight because in this ring we own all! We got our JEM..."

Viper looking down at her with a sinful lust of desire in his eyes as JEM looks up at him hot, but looking around at her other boys with more desire. Viper lays a rough kiss on her, then says.

"They all fall to their knees for this hotness, for her Queendom to rise up and the Deadly Alliance, her Deadly Alliance will insure it stays up for a long time. Now let's go make our queen happy boys, let's go take care of our JEM."

The Catalyst plays over the pa as JEM leads the way with Jason and Chris holding the ropes for her and Jason gets a eyeful of her ass as she bends over the middle ropes. They all follow her out and up the aisle as Nick Miller says.

"Wow, that was a mugging if I ever saw one which thankfully I haven't, but damn did this Deadly Alliance make a statement and a half. Viper with a declaration for the group, but JEM seems to be the centerpiece, the queen as Viper alluded to her queendom!?!"

Bill McLane says.

"She is why the alliance formed, she is worth fighting for, and the whole world will see finally what only a few have seen for years, Ms Marret is in charge!"

Nick says.

"Ok Bill, well, she is used to being in charge I will give her that and she has a group of dominant players, no pun intended, to follow her it would seem."

Bill says.

"I hate to say it, but I agree with that Nick, they are dominant players, everyone in the Deadly Alliance has that presence about them, like Viper, the original Dominant Player, they all have that same presence."

Nick says.

"I know what you mean, I get it, they do, but I wonder if Viper is needed!? With JEM in charge of the Deadly Alliance, but what do I know!? Just calling it like I see it and that's the end of our show, so until next week, have a goodnight."

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