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Unique Matches

Started by NBD, May 17, 2013, 06:50:17 PM

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Sacrifice Match
This match is fought like a regular singles match only no rules apply as the only you can win is to incapacitate your opponent and not for any certain time, just so your able to strap them to a cross that will hang above the ring. Once on the cross you must take a dagger and slice your wrist slightly and drip the blood into their mouth forcing them to drink it and once that is done you win the match. A very unique match and it has only been one time in the history of wrestling, it was used on March 17th, 2002 to determine the first ever SEF World Heavyweight Champion and the man who invented this match also innovated it and won it, Viper aka Triple V!

Snake Pit Match
A pit of snakes is set up to the side of the stage and the middle of the pit is actually a platform that is about the size of a wrestling ring only its round. It has no ropes. but it does metal cage sides about four feet tall, the mesh style cage like on steel cages. A plank from the stage to the platform gets you out there, a section of the metal siding swings open for easy entry, then once both competitors are in the small door is shut and the plank removed. No one gets involved, only one way to win, throw your opponent into the pit of snakes.

DOGG Fight
This match is roughly a combination of a Hell in a Cell and an Iron Man match only it is more of a hardcore setting as I will explain. Surrounding the ring of course is the cell, just like Hell in a Cell. Inside the cell surrounding the ring hanging from the cell are weapons, an assortment of them ranging from singapore canes, steel chairs, lead pipes, ballbats, 2x4's, barbed wire bats, and anything else small in diameter, but long ya can think of that would belong. Laying along the outside of the ring at the side of the cell are tables, ladders, trash cans with lids, rolls of barbed wire, stop signs, other road signs, and any other bulkier items that are commonly used in hardcore matches, plus weapons still are under the ring. The match itself will be fought for an hour and much like Iron Man style, the most falls in that hour wins the match. Obviously count out and dq are obsolete, so falls are earned by pinfall or submission. Also, two added things, one is that the ropes of the ring will be wrapped in barbed wire and the walls of the cell are interwoven with barbed wire. Should make for a nice lil extra stip and if this match ends in a draw at 60 minutes it always goes to sudden death overtime, cause in this match, there must be a winner!

Devils Playground
Pretty much a combination of an Inferno match, Barbed Wire Ropes match, and a Ladder match. Catching your opponent on fire DOES NOT win the match, its just an added element of extreme as a ring of fire surrounds the ring, barbed wire replaces the ropes and a 20 foot ladder is at ringside. The fire will go out for a couple minutes allowing you to get the ladder and bring it in, so move quick. You win by retreiving the title above the ring, so yea, this match should be used when a title is on the line.

Flames Of Phoenix
Twelve flaming tables are all in the ring covering it from rope to rope. Hanging above the ring is a steel cage with a bottom in it made of reinforced steel mesh. In the middle of it is a small trap door, but big enough to fit a full grown man through. The cage is covered in barbed wire so to say, its all interwoven into the steel mesh, even on the floor. At the top of the cage its lit on fire. The only way to win is to force your opponent through the trap door or break the floor and send them crashing down through the flaming tables.

Anarchy Cell
The Cell is a black steel cage, made of chain link fence, extending three feet past the ring on all sides down to the floor. From floor to top it is twenty five feet tall with no ceiling. There is no door Both men in the match enter the ring and then the cell is lowered around them, no one else can enter. Lining the floor around the ring are foreign objects. On two sides are two tables each. and on the opposite two sides is a ten foot ladder. Also, leaning against the outside of each ringpost is a black steel chair. Not to mention any other weapons under the ring. There are no disqualifications obviously but more importantly there is no referee. The only way to win is to grab the prize dangling from a cord set at fourteen feet above the ring. Escaping the cage does nothing. However climbing the cage is not illegal.


One-On-One or Singles
Two combatants square off. All weapons are illegal and use of them causes a disqualification as does use of illegal holds and moves such as a low blow, eye rake, etc.  Managers are allowed to be ringside, but the only way that disqualification can take place is if they become involved in the match. Count Out will occur if one or both partiicpants fail to re enter the ring on a 10 count.  All decisions must take place inside the ring.

Tag Team
Same rules as One-On-One apply to all action except for the fact that standard tag team rules apply.  Partners must remain on the outside, interference is allowed to happen, but continual interference will result in disqualification.  Exchange occurs when one man tags another.

Triple Threat
Same rules as One-On-One apply except there is no dq or count out.  Three combatants enter the ring, the first one to pick up a decision wins the match.

Fatal Four-way
Same rules as One-On-One apply except there is no dq or count out.  Four combatants enter the ring, and the first one to pick up a decision wins the match.

??? Out Of ??? Falls
Same Rules as One-On-One apply. This match is any odd numbered amount of matches, and whomever takes the most decisions out of the series wins the match.  Can be combined with Triple Threat, Fatal Four-way, and any other number of matches, so the rules may change.

Anywhere Falls
As the name implies, falls count anywhere, so no count outs, but standard rules for One on One matches apply.

Elimination Match
Same rules as One-On-One apply. For any number of wrestlers. You are eliminated when a decision falls on you.  Last person standing wins.

Iron Man Match
Same Rules as One-On-One Apply.  This match has two combatants fighting for a specific amount of time, traditionall an hour, and whomever collects the most decisions within that span wins the match.

Ladder Match
An item hangs on a loop 20 feet in the air. To win, you must climb a ladder and detach said item before your opponent.

Gauntlet Match
Same rules as One-On-One apply.  In this match, a single wrestler, or tag team, have to face a series of wrestlers or teams.  You eliminate each wrestler or team by standard rules, and if you can eliminate all of them, you win the match.  You lose if anyone within that string beats you in the same manor.

Three Strikes Match
A series of decisions under the same rules as One-On-One.  Three decisions running consecutively, pinfall, submission, and knockout.

Last Man Standing Match
Same rules as Anywhere Falls.  If you cannot answer to a ten count, then you lose.

Lumberjack Match
The ring is surrounded by superstars, and decisions are in the ring.  If you try to escape the ring, you get beat on by the superstars surrounding the ring and thrown back into your waiting opponent. Standard One on One rules apply.

Career Match
Any match with any rules can be used in this match.  The deciding factor of this match that says the loser has to retire and can never return.


Empty Arena Match
Match takes place in an emptied arena, everything set up, no fans or anyone else in the building other than a ref. Match is decided by pinfall or submission with no other rules to stop the action.

Bar Room Brawl
Match takes place in a bar.  Match is decided by pinfall or submission.

Southside Scuffle
Match takes place in a closed off alleyway. Match is decided by pinfall or submission.

Junkyard Scrap
Match takes place in a junkyard.  To win you must beat your opponent until he cannot respond to a ten count.

Winter WarZone
Match takes place in a remote location, typically in a high elevation location, where there is snow year-round.  Win is by pinfall or submission.

Mud Bath Match
Match takes place in a field where it's made muddy either by wetting it down, or by rain.  The water continues on either artificially or naturally.  Win is by pinfall or submission.

Break The Bank
Match takes place inside of an emptied national bank.  To win you must lock your opponent into the bank vault.  The winner always is compensated with a $50,000 bonus.

Home Depot Wharehouse Brawl
Taking place inside a Home Depot, two or more wrestlers battle through every department, from hardware to power tools to garden center to paint to electrical. Anything can and will happen, as forklifts, order pickers, and Store Managers all come into play.

Meijer Superfresh Retail Rampage Brawl for All Match
Inside a Meijer's Supermarket and Department store, opponents use any and all products to help win matches, be it grilles or fishing lines, could be bikes or cash registers. Anything and everything is on the line!


Old Style Steel Cage
Thick black steel grid making a cage.  Wins are decided by escape over the top or through the cage door.

New Style Steel Cage
Made out of chain link fencing and reinforced by steel pipes.  The rules of the other steel cage apply.

Hell In A Cell
Twenty five foot cell made in a style of a new style steel cage.  The chain link fencing is reinforced in the same manor, and has a top on it in the same fashion as the walls.  Decisions are made by pinfall or submission.

Hell In A Cell Ladder Match
Combination of the two matches.  You have to climb the top of the cell, set up the ladder on top of that cell and climb for the item hanging nearly 60 feet in the air.

Hell On Top Of A Cell
Match takes place on top of the cell.  Pinfall or submission is decisions, and if you fall off the cell, you have thirty seconds to get back to the cell before you are disqualified.

Glass Cell
Hell in a Cell wrapped in barbed wire and encased in glass. Winner is normally decided by either pin, submission or knockout.  Occasionally used as a gruesome version of the Last Man Standing match.

Elimination Chamber Match
A six person match.  A thirty six foot dome of steel chain and solid steel.  There are four chambers that are made of steel and plate glass, and then the ring.  Two men start, and every five minutes another combatant enters.  Pinfall or submission decides elimination, last combatant standing wins.

Triple Tiered Cage
A three layered cage, starting with a hell in a cell, then going into a steel cage, then going into a steel platform.  The whole structure stands about 65 feet in height.  You win by climbing all three cages and getting the item hanging from the ceiling, and making their way down to the ground and through the door to pick up the win.

Barbwire Cage
New style steel cage with barbwire intertwined within the chain link.  Win is by pinfall or submission.

Prison Match
The match takes place in a real jail cell, only emptied out. Each combatant enters with a nightstick, and they basically beat each other senseless until one cannot answer to a ten count.

Chained Heat
A minature hell and a cell with chains hanging from the top of the cell.  The chains are able to be used in any fashion possible, the first opponent not able to answer a ten count loses.

Tomb of Doom
Three Steel Cages, wrapped in barbed wire, stacked on top of one another. A thick plate of glass is inserted over each cage, with a hole cut into it for entry/exiting.  In the bottom of the first cage is a tomb, filled normally with glass and thumbtacks. The idea is to climb to the top of the three cages, retrieve the hanging object, then exit back down, putting your opponent into the tomb successfully before exiting the bottom cage.

Hardcore Hell
The Hardcore Hell match is the chain link cage, plus it only stands 10 feet high starting from the ring apron and has a roof. Inside in each corner are the trash cans full of weapons, win by submission only. Much the same as House of Hardcore only there is one cage and it is the new style chain link, plus it only stands 10 feet high from the ring apron. Inside in each corner are the trash cans full of weapons, win by submission only.

House Of Hardcore
An old style steel cage, topped by a new chain link steel cage over it.  A top is put on it.  Nearly impossible to break through, and no way of either combatant getting out, or anyone getting in.  Every weapon is in the ring and they are put into four trash cans in each corner of the ring.  Winning is followed on the I Quit Match rules.

Insanity Cage
Three level cage, composed of two hell in a cells and a steel cage.  All Three of the cage walls are made of chain link fencing, with razor wire woven into it.  Layering is as follows: Top: Steel Cage (open top) Middle: HIAC Bottom: HIAC. Each level has a different specialty about it. The first level has a ring in it, with barbed wire wrapped around the ropes.  Every conventional weapon can be found under the ring The only weapon there is one of is a 25 foot ladder, which has to be used to get through the hole in the middle of the roof, to get to the next level.  The second level is upgraded weaponry, pyrotechnic guns, one time use flame throwers, stun guns, cattle prods, and, of course, a 25 foot ladder, to get through the hole in the center of the roof to the third level. The third level has a 40 foot ladder, and a square of flaming tables that surround the perimeter of the cage.  To win, climb the ladder, having to stand on the top rung to grab the belt, and once having the belt, you're halfway home.  You have to take the belt, move all the way back down to the bottom level, and get out of the door to win.

Lucha en Jaula Electrificada
A variation of the cage match, in this contest the cage is electrified (explaining the name "fight in an electric cage") and the only way to win is by escape. The cage is turned off in certain intervals, allowing the participants a chance at escape. Used by the AAA promotion in Mexico.

Hovering Cage Match
The Hovering Cage Match is a modified Hell in the Cell Match, basically some would say it's just flipped upside down. But the rooftop is a lil more reinforced, plus in the inside corners of the cell are 5 foot long logging chains which can be used by whoever grabs them. The cell itself, once both men are in it is suspended 20 feet above the ring. This allows so no outside interference is able to be a factor and truly is where only the best man is left standing. It's designs are sheer and utter hell, like an Iron bird cage of hell. To win, you must send your opponent through the cell falling below into the ring. If both men fall, first one up for a 5 count wins and in the event both get up, it continues as a Last Man Standing match until 1 man stays down for a 10 count.

Ya take an elimination chamber and remove the chambers from inside, so its all one big open chain link cage with an outside the ring floor level with the ring. On the inside, 2 walls made of chain link like the exterior walls are put up in a cross section forming an X from one corner of the ring to another dividing the whole chamber into 4 sections. The match begins with 2 participants in each section fighting each other. A trap door will be on the floor of each section and the first goal is to incapacitate your opponent enough to force them through the door. Once you do, then you wait until all sections have been cleared of one man. From there one inside wall will be lifted out of the cage reducing the sections to 2, but now taking up half the ring each and allowing two participants in each to fight each other. The goal now, to force one man out one of the trap doors and when that goal is reached in both sections, then the other wall is lifted out and the match is one on one, pinfall or submission to win. A ref will enter to make the official fall only and the better wrestler will win. In this match as an added feature, hanging all across the inside of the exterior walls will be singapore canes, steel chairs, ballbats, road signs, and loose chains just to make things very interesting. There is also no roof on this cage due to the separating walls needing to be lifted out after eliminations.

Prison Yard Match
There will be a cell surrounding the ring, think Hell in a Cell only modified to be bigger and the roof will be taken off. The height of the walls will be extended up to thirty feet tall. On the top of the walls will be barbed wire. Real razor sharp barbed wire wrapped and wrapped around the top, prison style. A steel structure on top holds the walls together and allows for a lot of barbed wire to be lined along the top. The cell will go out from the ring to touch the guard rails and the announce tables. Singapore canes, bats, pipe, and other such items hang from the cell while tables are laying on the floor and under the ring, plus more items are under there. There will be no door anywhere on the cell and there are no pinfalls, no submissions, no count outs, and sure as hell no disqualifications. There will be no ref in the ring either. The only way to win is by climbing the cell walls and getting over the top, that means going through the barbed wire and then climbing down and touching the floor with both feet.

The Asylum Match
A 12 ft diameter steel disc, 6 inches thick. A 1 inch thick hard rubber mat. Surrounded by a 5 ft high stell mesh caging, and wrapped in barbed wire, topped with Razor wire. Win by knockout, rung out, or submission, Biting, closed fist, scratching, anything and EVERYTHING is allowed.

Hardcore Heaven
Steel cage match with weapons hanging from the inside of the cage walls and you win when your opponent cannot answer a ten count.


Submission Match
Two single competitors square off.  First to submit wins.

Ultimate Submission
Combination of Submission and Iron Man Matches.

Lions Den Match
Two combatants are locked in an octagon cage, and they battle until one either submits or is knocked out.

I Quit Match
Two combatants face off in a battle, where anything goes and the match only ends when your opponent says "I Quit"


Roulette Match
Any weapon can be used.  Two combatants get an endless supply of the weapon of choice, and take turns using that weapon until one cannot respond to a ten count.

Barbwire Rope Match
Standard match rules apply.  The ropes have been exchanged with barbed wire.

Tables, Ladders And Chairs (TLC)
A match that encompasses Tables, Ladders, and Chairs in any combination of the three.  Ladder match rules apply.

Barbwire TLC
Combine Barbwire Rope and TLC to get Barbwire TLC

Thumbtacks Ladder Match
Ladder match to where a bag of thumbtacks are hung above the ring.  When you get to the bag of thumbtacks, you release them onto the ground and from then on win is by pinfall or submission, unless in the case of the title match, in which case

once the tacks are released the belt is then lowered and standard Ladder match rules apply.

Stairway To Hell
A ball of razor wire hangs above the ring.  You must climb a ladder and detach it.  From then it becomes a submission match.

Kendo Stick/Singapore Cane Match
Two combatants enter with a Kendo Stick, or Singapore Cane, whichever you want to call it.  They use it as a weapon until one gets a pinfall or submission.

Glass Rod Match
Like a singapore cane match, only with solid glass rods.

Glass House
Ring is surrounded by four plate glass sheets.  To win you must put your opponent through one of the glass plates and have both feet hit the floor first.

Table Match
To win, you must put your opponent through a table.

Glass Table Match
Table match rules apply.  The table is covered in glass shards.

Flaming Table Match
Table Match rules apply.  The table is set ablaze.

Chain Match
Two opponents are attached at the wrist by a logging chain.  The weapon can be used through the match as win is by pinfall or submission.

Dog Collar Match
Two opponents are attached by the neck by dog collars and a chain.  First person to touch all four corners wins.

Strap Match
Two opponents are attached by the wrist by a leather strap.  First person to touch all four corners wins.

"..." On A Pole Match
A weapon is attached to a pole that is attached to one of the turnbuckle posts.  The first person to get said weapon can use it to their advantage.  Pinfall or submission are the deciding factors.

Coal Miner's Glove Match
A leather glove laced with iron and lead is attached to a pole.  First person to get the glove can use it.  Wins are decided by pinfall or submission.

Scaffold Match
Match takes place on an elevated platform, 40 feet in the air.  First person to fall loses.

Dumpster Match
First person to lock your opponent in a dumpster wins.

Inferno Match
An element that conducts fire is around the ring. To win you must set your opponent on fire.

Bed Of "..." Match
Four large boards of some sort of sharp material is fastened to each corner.  They can be used as weapons as win is picked up by pinfall or submission.

Handcuff Match
First person to handcuff their opponent wins.

The Fire and Ice Match
A bed of 6 inch thick ice, covering metal spikes about a foot long. A fire heating the spikes, to melt the ice, so after a certain point in time, the ice melts and the spikes become a hazard.

Barbed Wire Desert Match
This match takes place out of the ring and in the middle of a desert. A popular spot would be around Las Vegas. On the bare ground you set up a square structure about the size of a wrestling ring made from wooden fenceposts and wrap it with barbed wire making it about 5-6 feet tall and wrapping enough barbed wire around to ensure no escape. Some 2x4's are thrown in there along with ball bats, some wrapped in barbed wire, some plain. Winning is done by gaining a pinfall or making your opponent submit.


Glass Pane Deathmatch
Glass panes surround the ring, set on fire and wrapped with barbed wire. All sorts of weapons are in your little world, and the only way to win is to make sure your opponent stays down for a ten count.

Circus High Tower Deathmatch
Its a giant 50ft scaffold thats on 1 side of the ring and in the ring there is a giant Barbed Wire spider net thats been laced to the 2nd ring rope and its covering the entire ring. The only way to win is to keep throwing your oppent off the scaffold into the net untill they cant go anymore. The only way to win by doing that is to either pin them in the net or under the net.

Tai Pei Deathmatch
The opponents wrap their hands in gauze, dip them in glue, and then roll them in broken glass.  Typically done in a circle stone based ring with chain ropes and wooden posts.  First person not to respond to a ten count loses.

Zia Beh Deathmatch
Ten matches rolled into one.  It can be many matches, but the most common form of the Zia Beh Deathmatch is: Glass Table, Flaming Table, C4, TLC, First Blood, Inferno, Bed of Nails, Iron Man, and Last Man Standing.

Japanese Deathmatch
The most brutal, barbaric match of all time, ropes removed on parallel sides of the ring and on the floor on those sides lay plywood sheets with thumbtacks, C4, barbed wire, and nails all assorted together like beds of death, but laying on top of them are sheets of glass. The side of the ring with ropes have electric wire intertwined in them, so ya hit them and ya get shocked to hell and to win ya get to scale a twenty foot ladder and grab the title, but two by fours lay in the ring with C4 strapped to them and the ring will explode after thirty minutes.


First Blood Match
First person to cause their opponent to bleed wins.

Blood Lust
Elimination First Blood Match. For more than two competitors.  First blood match rules apply.

Last Blood Match
To win, you must beat your opponent until they can no longer compete due to blood loss.

Blood Bath Match
To win, you must douse your opponent in a bucket of pigs blood.

Bloodbath Ladder Match
Combine Blood Bath and Ladder Matches.  To win you must climb a ladder, grab the bucket of blood, and then douse your opponent to win.

Tainted Blood Ladder Match
Basically a mix of ladder and first blood matches. To win you must make your opponent bleed, then and only then can you climb the ladder to retreive what's above the ring.


Freezer Match
Opponents are put into a walk-in freezer and they compete in it.  First to escape the freezer wins.

Boiler Room Brawl
Opponents get locked into a boiler room.  They compete until one can escape from the boiler room.  First to escape wins.

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