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WAR 225

Started by NBD, March 22, 2021, 09:39:23 PM

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Date: Monday, March 29th, 2021

Venue: WAR Arena in Flint, MI

Theme: Trenches by Pop Evil


Opening Contest
Rob Ruckus v. Taylor Andrews(c)
SEF United States Championship

Mid Card Bout
Bongman(c) v. Jade West
SEF TV Championship

Main Event
Mark Jackson v. Simon Lee Nash(c)

SEF WAR Championship

Wrestle X Main Event Contract Signing
Hosted by A Native Americano
Rick Reynolds v. J X C


Monday, March 29th, 2021

Trenches by Pop Evil plays over the pa of the WAR Arena in Flint Michigan with a sold out crowd as usual on Monday night and Nick Miller at ringside says.

"Tonight is a huge contract signing between the Universal Champion J X C and the World Champion Rick Reynolds for their main event match at Wrestle X which will happen on April eleventh. But before we get all the way to that final moment of WAR we have three title match to host and the first is Taylor Andrews defending her US Title ahead of her big match at Wrestle X. If Taylor loses tonight, will she even be at Wrestle X since she used the US Title to get a Womens Title opportunity? We shall see, if she even loses. Rob Ruckus is her challenger and these two know each other as good as any rivals can."

For The Fight by Butcher Babies plays over the pa bringing out the big Steel City Warrior, Rob Ruckus. Rob wearing his Tag Team Title around his waist and has the Triple Tag Team Title over his shoulder as he saunters to the ring all business with fire burning his eyes. Whore by In This Moment plays over the pa and here comes Taylor Andrews with the US Title around her waist and the US Tag Team Title above that just under her bust. The Golden Gal skipping to the ring as if she never missed a beat in over a decade.

Opening Contest
Rob Ruckus v. Taylor Andrews(c)
SEF United States Championship

Taylor running into Rob with a dropkick and gets swatted away, so the Golden Gal rolling up to duck a Rogue Kick and look for a superkick. Rob catching her foot and spins her around looking for a clothesline, but Taylor ducking to run the ropes and spring back with a front dropkick sending Rob down. Taylor heading to the top rope for a 450 splash hitting and makes the pin for a two count. Taylor into a sleeper hold wrenching Rob down to the mat trying to grapevine his leg with hers and keep him grounded. Rob fighting it and tries crawling for the ropes nearly there when Tina lets go and rolls up to her feet running the ropes to slide back into her challenger with a dropkick sending him out of the ring. Tina heading to the top rope and leaps off with a splash to Rob crashing him on the floor. Tina getting up to yank Rob up and looks to run him into the ringpost, but gets reversed and the Golden Gal stops herself before hitting the post. She looks for a pele kick on Rob who is able sidestep it and grab her legs to swing her into the guard rail in front of the fans who go crazy for it. Rob pulling Tina up to roll her in the ring, then he slides in and pulls her up in a scoop, but drops the Golden Gal forward on to his knee for as backbreaker. Rob lets her fall to the mat and stands up to drop a leg across her throat and go for the pin getting a two count. Rob pulls Tina up into a bearhug squeezing her and damn near has the champ on his shoulder she is so much smaller. Tina grimacing in pain as she struggles to get free and gets her arm around Rob's head to start hitting him with crossfaces. Rob starting to fell it after a few cross faces and Tina not slowing down even with the squeeze being put on her. Rob hangs and Tina keeps crossfacing until he drops to one knee, then both knees and the Golden Gal getting his grip loosened to allow her to swing him around and nail a ddt. Tina rolling up a bit winded and moving slower, but heads to the top rope nailing a moonsault, then locks in the T & A. Rob struggling and thrashing around when Mark Jackson runs out to get on the apron. The ref stopping him and Rick Reynolds comes in from the crowd when Simon Lee Nash runs out to yank Mark off the apron, then slides in the ring as Rick hits a superkick to the back of Tina's head. Simon hitting him with a spear and the ref calls the match.

Winner via DQ: Taylor Andrews

Whore by In This Moment plays over the pa as Simon helps Tina up who is about out of it, but gets her title and nods ok.

Mid Card Bout
Bongman(c) v. Jade West
SEF TV Championship

Jade circles around trying to psych out Bongman who just stands there in his cheap superhero costume with hands on his hips. The champ with a kick to Jade's midsection and whips her to the ropes looking for a back body drop. Jade stopping to kick him in the face sending him upright. Jade rushing him for a clothesline, but Bongman ducks to drop her with a neckbreaker. Bongman pulling Jade up to nail the Bong Rip Piledriver and makes the pin ending the match.

Winner: Bongman

Hits From The Bong by Cypress Hill plays over the pa bringing Bongman up and calling for a microphone. He gets handed his title which he slings over his right shoulder, then lifts the mic up in his left hand to say.

"ANA, I ain't coming to the back into your office. I am standing here in this ring to accept your challenge for a WUN World Title match at Wrestle X. I challenge you to face me and feel the Bong Rip from hell cause come Wrestle X, I will be your ender."

Bongman drops the mic and lifts the title up with his hands pumped up as Hits from the Bong by Cypress Hill plays again.

Main Event
Mark Jackson v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
SEF WAR Championship

Mark and Simon lock up and match up well, but Mark edging out the son of Nash with a bit more strength to position himself into shoving Simon into a corner. Simon bounces out for a clothesline dropping Mark and turns to stomp on the challenger. Simon pulling Mark up for a irish whip to the ropes and looks for a dropkick, but Mark able to stop short letting the champion crumple to the mat. Mark backing up to spring off the ropes with a punt kick to Simon's ribs. He pulls Simon up for a bearhug trying to focus on the ribs and Simon headbutting Mark, then hammers him with punches to get free. Simon ducking a clothesline from Mark to run the ropes bouncing back with a big boot knocking the challenger down. Rob Ruckus runs out to slide in the ring and Rogue Kick's Simon in the head causing the match to end.

Winner via DQ: Simon Lee Nash

The crowd booing loud as Rob helps Mark out of the ring and the two head to the back as Simon is helped out by the ref and we get ready for the contract signing with a table set up in the ring and a chair on either side with two microphones on the table in front of the chairs. A chair at the head of the table with a microphone and Crazy Rap by Afroman plays over the pa bringing A Native Americano out, the SEF Owner, wearing a black t-shirt and loose blue jeans with dark brown leather work boots. A army green ballcap on his head and a circl beard around his mouth trimmed into more of a square with a smooth face showing a stern look of business as he gets to the ring holding a clipboard with the contract. ANA heading up the steps and bends through the ropes to stand at the head of the table and pick up the mic to say.

"Let's get this underway, so Rick Reynolds, J X C, make your way out here right now."

ANA taking a seat at the head and sets the contract on the table as Venom by Eminem plays over the pa bringing J X C out in a white sweatsuit with matching hi tops unlaced and his hood up over his head. The Universal Championship hanging from his right hand as he makes rude gestures en route to the ring trying to incite a riot as usual. X sliding in the ring to pop up and walk around the table to take a seat in a chair and prop his feet up on the table with the title resting over his shoulder and chest sorta casual like. King of The Hole by Skrew plays over the pa bringing Rick Reynolds out in a tan Armani suit with a white undershirt and black tie. His blonde hair feather up and slicked back in style as he struts down the ramp in style with his black wingtips shining under the bright lights like his SEF World Title belt over his right shoulder. Rick heading up the ring steps to bend through the ropes and take a seat across from X resting his title up in front of himself as he picks up the mic to say.

Wrestle X Main Event Contract Signing
Hosted by A Native Americano
Rick Reynolds v. J X C

"Now its official, this contract signing can get started and this Sunday will see the end of this chumps reign as Universal Champion while the Natural Sinner takes his rightful crown."

ANA nodding ok and says.

"If you say so Rick. So who's gonna sign first?"

ANA pushes the contract into the middle of the table, fishes a pen from his pants pocket and tosses it on top of the contract. X making no move to do anything and Rick setting the mic down to read over the contract, then picks up the pen and signs it before sliding it across the table. X looks over with a half cocked smile and plops his feet down while slinging the title up on the table. X picking up the pen and signing the contract, slides it over to ANA, picks up the mic and says.

"Its a Scaffolding match where the only way to win is to be the last one standing on top of a forty foot scaffolding, so when I throw yo ass off the top, I win that World Title and you go to the back of the line."

X tossing the mic down and looks over at Rick who smirks as he lifts the mic to say.

"I never stand in the back of the line because when you are this good, this flawless, you always rise to the top with ease. J X C, you can hide behind all the letters and names you want, but its still you Xanthus, its still that scrawny, punk KID who came in here riding a wave of momentum that you gangsta buddies brought to SEF, not you. You are just a kid, that is why you can't handle the pressure like I can, you are not a diamond, you are a lump of coal that will turn to ash and fade away while I shine on forever."

Rick sets the mic down and picks up his title to stand when X leaps over tackling his Wrestle X opponent to the mat and swings like a madman. Rick trying to cover up and get away as ANA gets up to rip X up and practically throw him back a few feet holding a hand up to stop. Rick getting up and low blows ANA, grabs the World Title and slides out of the ring as X comes after him stopping at the ropes. Rick backing up the ramp getting out of range and X turns back to help ANA up as WAR comes to a end.

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