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WAR 251 - January 31st, 2025

Tables Match
Womens WAR TV Championship Triple Threat Match
Bunny Summers v. Black Crow v. Jade West(c)
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D-Mack v. X Phoenix
WAR TV Championship Match
Tonya Walker v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
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The Devil's Playground(Cruella, Sierra, & Nikita Perry)
Taylor Andrews(c) + Samantha Fame(c)
SEF TV - February 8th, 2025
SEF Womens Evolution Championship Match
Jade West v. Samantha Fame(c)
Main Event
Mens DOGG Fight
X Phoenix v. Simon Lee Nash
Winner Receives Universal Championship Match @ Wrestle X
Main Event
Womens DOGG Fight
Taylor Andrews v. Tonya Walker v. Sierra Perry v. LBD
Winner Receives Womens Evolution Championship Match @ Wrestle X
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Resurrecting The Tag Titles (Evolution)

Started by Da Gangstas, March 16, 2012, 09:17:11 PM

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Da Gangstas

Standing over a grave is The Resurrector clad in his leather trench coat staring down at the tombstone, what it says is unclear, but he knows it all too well. Then he turns his attention to leaving this cemetery making his way out to a road with not much else around, but his old pickup parked near the gate. A couple bodies stir in the back and a girl is heard shrieking when The Resurrector grabbing a tire iron smacks her over the head, then thunks the other body in the head, a man it looks like. The clank of the iron hitting the bed and silence before the big climbs into cab, brings the truck to life with a roar and barrels outta there into the darkness which fades into a later time, some hours later with a man and woman strapped to crosses side by side and before them stands The Resurrector in surgeon style pants and his heavy machete on his right shoulder, shirtless. Both the man and woman have bruises and blood from various cuts and gashes, their heads looking gory. The woman can barely lift her head and the man staring out asks.


The Resurrector snarling into a grin asks.

Why do you continue to waste air I could be breathing? Why don’t you rid this world of your body which has only one use left, to replenish the earth with oil you waste day in and day out with meaningless bullshit?! Here, I will help you!

And with one swing the man starting to scream gets cut short as his head is cut off falling, frozen in fear to the cold cement floor with a thud. The Resurrrector slicing the arms and legs off letting the rest fall to the floor like a carcass of a hog! Blood all over his body and face as he steps in front of the woman who is crying, too terrified to scream. Or perhaps she is suffering brain damage from the nasty gash on her head, looks almost mutilated. The Resurrector sneering at her just says.

Pitiful, a pathetic excuse for a woman, a waste of a reproductive being, your both essentially dirt which is where you will soon meet your final resting place!

The woman barely bringing her head stares with pleading eyes hardly seen from the blood, eyes of wonder, confusion and she tries to whisper why, her mouth suggesting that word, but nothing. The Resurrector showing no care, just swings the heavy blade lopping her head off to the floor, then her limbs letting the rest fall and he turns covered in blood saying with disdain and a nasty snarl.

Jason and Ashley, sounds like a cute couple, but a tag team, no less the World Tag Team Champions, well we’ll have to see how much your willing to bring. Are you willing to die, to kill, in order to get what you want? Is your soul prepared to resurrect those that are lost? Or are you indeed one of the lost in need of a resurrection? My children, you will either bow to me and be sent into exile forever or you will be willing to kill with your will to get what you want. Then again, maybe neither of you care for the Tag Titles, hell, right now there is no Tag Team Champions, just one, me, and you have to go through me to get the belts off my big, dead carcass, if you can!

A nasty smirk, then he raises the blade again swiping it down to close the view to darkness.

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