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Cora Jade dumps NXT Women’s Tag Team title in the trash

Started by Liz, July 21, 2022, 01:02:20 PM

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Cora Jade pulled a Madusa and threw her NXT Women's Tag Team title in the trash last night on NXT.
Jade, who two weeks ago won the titles with Roxanne Perez, turned on Perez a week later, preventing her from winning the NXT Women's title in the main event of last week's broadcast.
Last night on NXT, Jade said she has been the face of the NXT women's division and should have dumped Perez sooner. She said fans picked Perez as the next breakout star over her and called the former Rok-C a selfish bitch.
After bragging over last week's turn and attacking Perez in the parking lot, Jade dumped the NXT Women's Tag Team title in a trash can which was at ringside, probably signifying the end.
There's no luck for the women's tag team titles as the titles have also been abandoned on the main roster following the walk out of Sasha Banks and Naomi. A tournament which was set to take place was never done and the titles have been retired.

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