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WAR 255 - February 28th, 2025

Womens WAR TV Championship Match
Jade West v. Tonya Walker(c)
Boss Johnson v. Bongman
6 Star Tag Team Championship Match
Taylor Andrews + Simon Lee Nash + Bunny Summers
The Devil's Playground(Sierra, Cruella, Nikita Perry)(c)
ANA v. Boozer
Main Event
WAR TV Championship Ladder Match
D-Mack v. X Phoenix(c)
SEF TV presents Wrestle X - April 5th, 2025
SEF Universal Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Taylor Andrews(c)
Main Event
SEF Womens Evolution Championship Match

Taylor Andrews v. Samantha Fame(c)

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Vote for Me! (War r/p)

Started by JohnCarter, June 06, 2012, 05:13:32 PM

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"War" cameras find John Carter smoking a joint in his dressing room was ask what he got to say to the people to vote for him to face Xanthus also his title on the line. John Carter inhale his joint blows out circle smoke out of his mouth, and he started speaking into the camera.

Man, If people vote for me to face Xanthus that man gonna die inside that ring sure I have said that before I haven't kill anyone inside that ring trust me if you vote for me that Xanthus dude gonna lose on "War". I know Taylor Andrews fine ass is other possible to face Xanthus, and there someone else which I don't know the name is, but if Xanthus wants a fight I'll give him a fight for his life inside that ring. The reason why I haven't any success I don't blame lack of experience like some of these SEF superstars have more like I blame myself not getting so damn high enough I can start actually kill somebody inside that ring. On "War", I'm smoking on my fifth joint almost there being stoned as hell if I am voted to face Xanthus his championship regin ends that championship is coming home with me. I'm going to be so damn freakin high that Xanthus will die if I am given a chance to face him that is a promise!

I was done talking as SEF camera guy stop filming him, so I continue on smoking my joint.

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