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Larry Zbyszko On Why He Hasn’t Been at the WWE Performance Center As Of Late

Started by Liz, September 25, 2022, 10:46:25 AM

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Larry Zbyszko used to make occasional tripes to the WWE Performance Center to give advice to talent, but it hasn't happened lately and he recently explained why. Zbysko spoke with the Insiders Edge podcast for a new interview and you can check out some highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:
On not appearing at the Performence Center recently: "I live eight miles from the Performance Center where they teach the new guys, NXT's filmed there. I was sticking my nose in and helping a couple of people before the COVID crap, but that was like two years ago and then it got weird. So, I haven't been back since that, but things are starting to open up and change now and I've been watching. So, we'll see what happens."
On sharing stories of the old days with current talent: "Sometimes when I went to the PC and I'd tell some of the stories about some of the other guys, the young guys today look at me and go, 'Really? That really happened?'"

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