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Anarchy 88

Started by NBD, February 06, 2023, 03:34:04 PM

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  • Anarchy 88

    Indira Gandhi Arena in New Delhi, India


 Date/Time: Friday, February 17th, 2023
Venue:  Indira Gandhi Arena in New Delhi, India
Theme: Eye of the Storm by Pop Evil
General Manager
Mr. Mack
Click Here for Bio
Event Staff
universal titleaow world titleex titleevolution womens titleAnarchy Titleanarchy womens titleanarchy tag team titles
Anarchy Tag Team Championship Tables Match

The Wolf & Jade West v. Chris Paine(c) & Jason Price(c)
ANA v. Jason Stratus
Anarchy Womens Championship Match
LBD v. Sierra Perry(c)
6 Person Tag Team Match
Taylor Andrews + Simon Lee Nash + Carlos Mitchell v. Daddy Mack + Chris Orton + The Burnout
Main Event
Evolution X Championship Ladder Match
Phoenix v. Cliff o Clink(c)
 All Promos For This Event Go in the Live Event Promos board @ The SEF Network, Aimoo Network, or ProBoards Network


Anarchy Tag Team Championship Tables Match
The Wolf & Jade West v. Chris Paine(c) & Jason Price(c)
The Wolf bringing the fight to the champs and Jade bringing her scissors to cut her opponents. Jason feeling the blades with some cuts on his backs, but manages to disable Jade. Axel and Steve White end up involved to help Chris put Wolf through a table with a frog splash.
"Here are your winners, Chris Paine and Jason Price."
ANA v. Jason Stratus
The Anarchy Champion tying up with Jason to start this and round they go. ANA with the power edge and never stay down attitude makes Jason stay on his toes to capitalize when he can. Carlos Mitchell finds his way to ringside distracting ANA and gets a low blow on him  undetected by the ref allowing Jason to hit a superkick, then his jumping reverse bulldog and make the pin.
"Here is your winner, Jason Stratus."
Backstage we see Sierra Perry ready for her match next and waving Wolf and Jade back to the locker room saying.
"LBD wants this one on one, then I will beat her, one on one."
Sierra pats her title around her waist as she heads for the ring.
Anarchy Womens Championship Match
LBD v. Sierra Perry(c)
Sierra driving LBD into the corner early on and uses her foot to choke her out, then takes her down to the mat with a snapmare and reverse chinlock from there. LBD fights her way out of it to get in a side headlock and taken down with Sierra leaning on the challenger. LBD rolls the champ backwards for a pin, but only gets two and both scramble up to lock up collar and elbow style like two masters of the ring. LBD rolling Sierra over into an armbar and looks to make her tap, but the champ getting to the ropes breaking things up. Sierra on her feet yanking on her hair and runs in at LBD now who kicks her in the stomach and looks for Southern Price. Sierra twisting out for a russian leg sweep, but LBD countering into a Southern Sleeper pulling the champ down in the middle of the ring. Sierra screaming in a panic struggling to roll away, but LBD has her locked in and with no choice, but to tap.
"Here is your winner and NEW Anarchy Womens Champion, LBD."
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays over the pa and here comes Daddy Mack dancing down around the ring to snatch the Womens Title and roll in to present to LBD. She takes it and hugs Mack who raises her arm in the air and congratulates her with another hug, then points to enjoy her moment. LBD on the ropes soaking it up with the title held high as Mack helps Sierra to the back.
6 Person Tag Team Match
Taylor Andrews + Simon Lee Nash + Carlos Mitchell v. Daddy Mack + Chris Orton + The Burnout
Mack and Orton stand across the ring from their three opponents not sure where their third man is, but both shrugging like they ain't going anywhere. So Mack pats Chris on his back and the CKO heads in against Simon starting the match with a lock up. Chris taking control and eventually sneds Simon reeling for a tag bringing Carlos in to get tossed around before Taylor comes in to stand toe to toe with the CKO. Chris overpowering the Universal Champion and looks to clean house, but avoiding a dropkick to spring off the ropes with a shining wizard. She looks for the 3T, but Chris catches her foot and looks for a clothesline. Taylor ducking and flies into Mack knocking him from the apron, then turns and drives into Chris for a sto, but takes him down in the T & A. Chris screaming in pain struggling for the ropes which he is close to. Mack sliding in to get up and kick Taylor in her head breaking the hold. Simon flies in throwing punches with Mack who responds with chops to the chest of Nash. Carlos comes in to clothesline Mack down and the ref getting some order restored to leave Taylor and Chris in the ring. Taylor going for the T & A again, but Chris blocking her to counter with a suplex. Chris gets up to stalk Taylor and goes for Lights Out, but gets an elbow to the head and kick to the gut. Taylor with a ddt to Chris and pops up doing a crotch chop at Mack who twirls a finger to his ear. Taylor tagging Carlos who comes in to stomp at Chris, then hoist him up for a suplex of his own before tagging in Simon to execute a spinebuster clothesline combo. Simon pulling Chris up for the F-5 as Taylor runs around the ring for Mack who leaps on to her and the two roll around on the floor. Chris slipping off Simon's shoulders and hits him with Lights Out, but Carlos running in with a boot to the face of the CKO. Simon hitting the F-5 now and makes the pin.
"Here are your winners, Simon Lee Nash, Carlos Mitchell, and Taylor Andrews."
Taylor getting away from Mack and escapes the back leaving The Showsteala to check on Chris who ius ok and helps himself. Mack heading to the back now and makes his way into a shower room where Sierra Perry stand letting the cold water soak her through her clothes. Mack slipping in behind her to help remove those wet clothes and warm her up.
Main Event
Evolution X Championship Ladder Match
Phoenix v. Cliff o Clink(c)
A twenty foot ladder stands between these two men and they scale it all night looking to conqueror the other all in the name of Evolution. Phoenix bringing his darkness to battle the DVF and he does battle them all. Chris Paine and Jason Price are side by side with Cliff o Clink through it all including this match, but Phoenix with his ballbat in possession to even the odds a bit and make for a damn good hardcore match. He takes Barry out of the equation and handcuffs Axel to Steve White through a guard rail. Jason Price is sent through a couple table stacked up at ringside after a fall of the ladder. Chris Paine on the heels of Cliff o Clink though and Phoenix fighting uphill, up the ladder to that Evolution X Title. He sends Chris into the commentators table and Cliff hitting Phoenix with everything he has and The End for the fifth time in the match. Phoenix keeps coming uip the ladder and Sara Marie gets involved with a low blow to Phoenix, then the CoC flipping over the ladder to pull Phoenix down in a sunset flip powerbomb. Sara with handcuffs to lock Phoenix to the ring ropes ands Cliff head up the ladder to retrieve his title.
"Here is your winner, Cliff o Clink."
Superstar by Saliva plays over the pa as Cliff stands tall on the ladder with his title held high. Sara Marie looking up with a smile.

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