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universal6 star tag team

Get Ready For The Insanity (L.A. Jay)

Started by Taylor Andrews, March 30, 2023, 07:31:31 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:06/02/2009 5:37 PMCopy HTML

(This Monday two tag team specialists step into the ring one on one with each other. First time meeting between the two, in singles or tag action. L.A. Jay goes one on one with D-Von Dudley, a contrast of styles, but not of attitudes as both love the world of extreme. D-Von ismore ol school, but Jay has the values of ol school in his head, should be a hell of a match. Jay is kicked back in a motel room now, sitting in a chair by a small table, eyes glazed, a baggy on the table. He just sits there baked.)
L.A. Jay
"D-Von huh, man, what'd I'd give for me and mesa to face he and Bubba in tag action, damn that would be anm awesome match. But hey, its one on one and that's just fine by me. We both had success on our own, in SEF at that. You've headlined here, former XCW Champ, plus some other singles titles. I have not wrestled in SEF as much, but I have had singles success, actually more than tag success, me and my partner both. Mesa has done good for himself, I've been North American Champ, hell, I think I won that belt in my first few matches here. You got more years on me D-Von, you been around longer than I have, but I'm no rookie you can just rush through and squash. Mister Extreme, The Innovator of Insanity...L...A...Jay....

(He does the whole thumb pointing to himself as he says that, then lowers his arms.)
L.A. Jay
"Its a learning experience for me more than you, but ya know D-Von, something you said along the lines of done it all in the business. Something like that I thought you said, maybe I'm wrong and you didn't, but anyone whoever believe that needs to quit this business because that means they have no more passion left for it. Whether you admit it or not, you'll learn from this match because no one ever stops learning, no one can truly know it all and that is something one of your ol school ECW alumni would refer to as a shoot. Not my gig, but it is the truth and Monday night if you can admit it, I will kick it down your throat! I respect you, but I will not sit by and let you believe your bigger than anyone else. Not forgetting your roots isn't about going around and bragging about what ya done, where ya been, claiming ya done it all, its about respect. I hope you truly have it and Monday we'll see."

(Jay nods his head, opens his mouth and appears to be thirsty. He stands up walking over to a mini fridge and pulls out a beer, takes a drink and sits on the bed.)
L.A. Jay
"We'll see won't we D-Von, but the ones lucky to see will be the fans and I can't wait to show them what I can do to a ol ECW star. It;ll be a hell of a match to witness and admit it or not D-Von, your in for the fight fo your life. I love the extreme ways, the real ones, I innovate like the nickname says, I earned that by my peers...earned! I will earn your respect in the ring Monday and just maybe your gonna be looking up at my hand raised, can ya see it D-Von, can ya picture that? That's the future which is very near. Youth or experience, highflying or brawling, but both hardcore bastards, its gonna be a great match, see ya Monday D-Von."

(Jay takes a swig of beer and swings his feet around on the bad. He grabs the tv remote and flips on the tube surfing through the channels, so we now zoom out and fade to black.)

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