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Lucky Number Seven (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, March 30, 2023, 08:22:33 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:14/02/2009 3:17 AMCopy HTML

(He entered MCW when it began at the end of last summer and stuck with the small company working his way up to make himself noticed, to make an impact and stand out as the best. He battled through a tournament and came head to head with Whitney Marret and in controversary Scorpion lost the opportunity to become MCW Champion. He would get a couple rematches since then, but came up short in those and now he gets a third shot, a third chance, a third strike...we shall see. He appears to be more focused than ever now, he wants that belt, Scorpion is truly obssessed, so can he finally beat Whitney or is it not meant to be?)
(Sitting on the edge of his hotel room bed is Scorpion shirtless with leather pants on, his blonde hair hangs down his shoulders, a slight glaze in his eyes.)
"Four and a half months I have been in pursuit of that title, the MCW Title, I have came so close only to get screwed over too many times, the worst was the first when I actually executed the pinfall and got beat...?"
(A look of disgust comes over his face.)
"I ams till the uncrowned MCW Champion, I carried MCW, I kept it alive for the months it existed and without me it would have never had any success. Now were in SEF and the hunt is still the same. I earned another shot by beating that overrated asshole Viper to a pulp and I will do the same to you Whitney. Its time someone took that title and restored some damn dignity to it cause your skanky ass is messing it all up. You probably thinkl Monday being SEF's seven year anniversary gives you an advantage maybe since you founded the company, it may be your lucky night perhaps?! Your luck ran out a while ago, you have no chance against me, none at all. Your a no talent slut and you don't deserve to be in the ring with me!"
(Anger is in his eyes.)
"This show belongs to me and once I take the title that rightfully belongs to me I think I'll become a two time World Champ because lets face it, the best man here needs to have that title and that is myself. No one in SEF can touch me, not a soul and if anyone dares, they'll feel SIN just like you will on WAR Whitney and when you get up and look around...
(He gets a slight smirk, a devious one.)
"You'll look around for the title, but realize you just lost it to me and you will never, ever get it back. I'm ready to sin Whitney, no remorse baby, your finished because if I do not win that title I will not stay another day or night in SEF. Your only option is losing, that's a fact, you can't beat me Whitney, no more screwjobs, your time as champ has come to an end. My time will begin Monday and then six days away I will win the rumble and thenh at Wrestle X I will hold the two top title, both heavyweight belts in SEF and truly be the man, the greatest of all time!"

(He stands now and steps over leaning on the wall near the bathroom.)

"Its only a matter of time now Whitney, just a couple days, little over until the end of your title reign. No more gold for you Whitney, but at least then maybe you can go back to what you do best...stand around the ring prancing and dancing, then go to the back and service the locker room like you've been doing for the past seven years you filthy, dirty, disgusting, brutal, bottomfeeding, trash bag...HO!"

(He sneers and then steps into the bathroom. Water is heard running, sounds like a shower and so the promo must ne done and now just fade to black.)

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