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Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 07:14:19 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:03/05/2009 1:53 PMCopy HTML

The Ultimate Rebel, The Extreme Icon, The Showsteala, The HardCore Kid, The One & Only, The Original Daddy Mack
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
The Big, Bad, Mack Daddy Lays Down For Absolutely Nobody
No One Makes A Bigger Impact Than The Impact Playa
(We open inside the office of Whitney Marret and find the CEO sitting at her desk doing whatever, business shit. We find Mack in there as well, he lays on the sofa a few feet away snoozing in blue jeans and no shirt with his IC Title laying over his face. Whitney stands up now smirking at him and grabs the title slapping it on his chest and Mack wakes up.)
MACK: Goddamn it, she's eighteen!
(He looks up seeing Whitney and grins, she just tosses his title on him and cocks an aeyebrow.)
Whitney Marret: Who's eighteen?
MACK: Uh, hmmm...you are my dear!
(He grins cheesily now.)
Whitney Marret: You wish I was, hell, you wish I was younger than that!
MACK: Well yea, of course...I mean, shit, is that camera on?
(Mack looks around all shifty eyed.)
Whitney Marret: Whatever, I'm going to take a break and get some water, want anything?
MACK: Yea, to be sleeping again.
Whitney Marret: You do that enough, don't you have to get ready for your match tonight?
MACK: Huh?
Whitney Marret: Oh my god, its Sunday Mack, Extreme, you and Chris Orton in the main event face Scorpion and Matt Ward, remember?!
MACK: Oh yea, its Sunday already?
Whitney Marret: Yes it is, geez!
(Whitney turns walking out of her office and Mack looks around and sits up now yelling.)
Whitney Marret: CUT A PROMO!
(Mack chuckles and looks at the camera plopping his feet up on the small table in front of the sofa. He lays his title on it and looks relaxed, what's new though.)
MACK: So what we got going on now? Orton is the World Champ I see, he and I get team up, two champs battling two wannabe champs. Well before I get started on that, to you Chris I just gotta say its about time ya stepped yo ass up and I am glad to see ya wearing the World strap, never said you wouldn't wear it. Scorpion may be an asshole and a liar, but he did get it right when he said you have a ways to go to become the best, you do still have a lot to prove, but hats off to ya brother and I hope ya do prove yourself to be as good a champ as anyone else has.
(Mack slaps his right fist to his chest to show his respect in a way that's clear.)
MACK: Now Scorpion, yea, you are a fucking asshole and a lying bastard, your a no good rotten piece of shit, but man, you are a good wrestler and you were a good champion, but me being washed up is it, a hasbeen, I only had a few good years in me and now I'm worthless?! Why don't ya step in with me one on one son and show me how worthless I am, prove that Mack is a hasbeen and if ya do you can even have my title cause I'll put it on the line. Truth be told, I have a lot to prove as IC Champ cause of what Dick Mar- I mean Leer did to me keeping the belt of television. I held this title for a year, but it don't feel right cause his bullshit, so anyone who wants a damn shot can have one any night and way I see it I'm a defend on every show until I prove something to myself!
(A pause and Mack looks rather disgusted.)
MACK: Now Matt Ward, you do what a crack at the title I hear, you calling me out boy, you proclaiming yourself the new IC Champ already, well fine by me, next week, next pay per view, I don't a give a fuck, let's dance son and I'll prove to you why there ain't no one who can steal a show that Mack is on! You said tonight you'll be walking out with my title, heh. The Unstoppable Force is as threatening is this Dark Shadow Alliance we got forming, heh, just a bunch of posers trying to be something their not. Tonight is gonna be a war waged, the champions against the challengers, yea Matt, that means me and you are on for Reckless Rebellion, just like that and tonight you'll find out why Mack don't lay down for nobody!
(He smirks now.)
MACK: I've been called many things, many names, from a legend to an asshole, from awesome to worthless, from the man to a boy, so many labels given to me...
Whitney Marret: Don't forget what you really are...MY BITCH!
(Whitney is walking into her office with a bottle of water and six of Guinness Stout in bottles. She sets it on the table and Mack looks at her with a smirk.)
MACK: Your the one who fetches me beer baby!
(Whitney just rolls her eyes and sits down at her desk.)
MACK: Well anyways, before I was interuptted here, Scorpion and Ward, ya two chumps can claim all ya want, ya can call me anything you can think of, but in the end it will be good ol' D-Mack standing tall like so many times before, rising the bar, setting the standard, and damn sure stealing the show!
(Mack reaches forward grabbing a beer and puts the others in a mini fridge by the sofa. He pops the top with a lighter and takes a swig of it, then sets it down and pulls a baggy from his leather jacket.)
MACK: So hey, how come this fridge here and stocked up for us, what kinda service is that?
Whitney Marret: Oh can it Mack, they can't keep up with how much you drink!
(Mack just smiles and agrees.)
MACK: Yea, yea, so ya wanna bring that fine ass of yours over here and get realzed with me?
(Mack motions to the baggy and Whitney gets up and comes over ploppong down on his lap, then turns laying across him. Mack quickly scoops her up and plants a kiss on her, then sits Whitney up and grabs the baggy, but then reaches down grabbing one of Whitney's shoes throwing it at the camera.)
Whitney Marret: Hey, use your own next time.
(The cameraman backs out of the room now as Whitney grabs her shoe and Mack is seen pulling papers out, then we fades to black.)
Ain't nobody crazy 'nuff to do this gig 'cept for the HardCore Kid
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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