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universal6 star tag team

Making An Example (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 07:43:30 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:31/05/2009 9:48 PMCopy HTML

(The last Extreme before the rematch between Orton and Scorpion at Reckless Rebellion and its another tag team match pitting the two men with partners to give a preview perhaps of their one on one encounter. The two have become good rivals for one another, both wanting to prove their the best of all time and with good claims, but only time will tell who will go down as the better man. A small chance there is that it could be determined by next Sunday, but most likely the better man will be determined months or years from now. Scorpion sits alone bakstage in his room. He sits on the bench in his gear all ready to go, his eyes staring to the floor hidden as his head hangs down.)
"Your more right than you know Orton because when we get in the ring tonight there is no maybe about it, things will get ugly!"

(He slowly raises his head piercing the camera with his intense eyes.)
"Nothing will compare to what happens in one week from now, from my return to glory, my return of the World Heavyweight Title from your grubby hands. Your ugly skank of a whore Taylor gets watch on through metal mesh as I tear your face apart using that same mesh, using one of many weapons inside, using the barbed wire woven into the mesh!"

(His eyes grow so intense, he looks so devious, bloodthirsty.)
"Sixty minutes of brutal, hardcore action, the ultimate test to a wrestlers ability and I survived the DOGG Fight before and I only lost because I was the victim of a bad call. I executed the pinfall, I won the match back in November, back in MCW and I will win it this coming Sunday. As for tonight, no one will win because tonight the win isn't important, the impact on the other man is, the momentum for the DOGG Fight and Orton, its already in my favor. I own you and after my team decimates yours tonight all hope you have will be lost. Matt Ward may not be hanging around much, but I never needed him anyways, I am the true unstoppable force by myself, I'm the Ultimate Sinner and youralso looking at the real franchise of this business!"

(He flashes a smirk briefly.)
"Title or not, there is no one better than me today. Your ol' t-shirt Orton, Who better than me? Well son, it'll have to be taken off the rack and remade to answer...SCORPION! I own you and I'll prove everytime we step in the ring, tonight, next week, and anytime you want a crack at my title! You had your one hit as World Champ, now its time for the real champ to get his title back, its time for the value to rise back up to its highest point, when I was champion!"

(Scorpion stands up now, eyes intense.)
"See ya Orton, see you in hell, chump!"

(He walks past the camera and out of the room heading on down the hall, the view now fades to black.)

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