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One Man Will Die (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 07:55:37 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:07/06/2009 5:21 PMCopy HTML

(Tonight is the night a man dies inside the most brutal, sadistic, structure ever made by man, the DOGG Fight. Scorpion is relentless in his pursuit to regain the World Title from Chris Orton and tonight he either will or Orton will prove he deserve that title. No telling who will win, but one thing for sure, neither man will come out the same, both will leave a large chunk of themselves inside the cell of death. Scorpion sits alone in the dark somewhere in the back of the arena, his eyes staring straight into the camera, cold and sadistic is his stare.)
"So your gonna kill me, your gonna end my career, lead SEF and become the best in the business...heh. Chris Orton, one man will die tonight, but that man is not me. I am the one who commits the biggest sins of all, I am the man who owns you, and I will be the killer of your career. This DOGG Fight tonight is not your backyard, its nothing like you have ever experienced before. Tonight is the night I expose the fraud that is Chris Orton, the unworthy World Heavyweight Champion, the paper champion!"

(He gets a snarl with his lips.)
"That belt is mine! I destroyed Whitney Marret inside of the last DOGG Fight I was in and your no better than her Orton. Truth be told she's probably a few steps up above you, but compared to me your both a few hundred steps underneath. When I get done with you Orton, you'll be walking out of SEF, retiring because you won't be able to wrestle ever again. I am the best thing going today, I'm the real fucking franchise of this business! Your a no good punk who gets lucky, you always have in SEF. You talk about how you busted your ass here, tell me I have no idea what you went through...fuck you!"

(He looks real pissed now, cold as ice.)
"I've been through more bullshit in SEF than you, I have had to work harder than you ever have, I've been given shitty gimmicks and shined brighter than you you can imagine. My focus is on you Orton, not your skank girl Taylor, I don't care about that disease ridden whore you have to pay to hang off your arm, I care about that World strap you stole from me with her help. I will get it back tonight, I will tear you apart, limb from limb,you will suffer worse than ever before a beating no one has ever seen. What I do to you tonight Orton, it will make everything I've ever done look like the work of a saint. Tonight will be the real ultimate sin with what I do to you and most of all I will show the world why I am the REAL Franchise Player!"

(He stands up abruptly now, his cold eyes grow intense.)
"You have no idea about a DOGG Fight. This isn't just some cage with weapons, this is the ultimate test in wrestling. Enclosing the ring and the ringside area with a giant cell laced in barbed wire, weapons hanging off it and littering the floor, and most of all, the match will not end with a single fall. It only ends after sixty minutes of brutality has been endured by the victims inside...well, in this case, the victim...YOU!"

(He sneers.)
"You will not survive tonight Orton, you can't survive, you have no hope of surviving, let alone winning and keeping that stolen World Heavyweight Title. I've been pushed and now its the last resort, its a DOGG Fight and its the one you can't win. You say I can only win by killing you, but Orton, that's the mildest form of punishment in my head for you because what I have in store will make you wish for death!"

(Scorpion rips off the microphone from his shirt tossing it down and walks off camera leaving us alone and then slowly the scene fades to black.)

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