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None Of You Deserve Respect (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 09:44:11 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:16/07/2009 11:37 PMCopy HTML

(This Sunday three men step into the ring to fight for an opportunity at a World Heavyweight Title shot and it will be just that, a fight! Its about the World Title, its about doing anything and everything to get that title. D-Von Dudley and Nick Torres are two of the men and neither have held the belt before, but have both been long mainstays in SEF history, top stars leaving legacies as tag team wrestlers. Scorpion is the other man and he has worn that belt before, twice and once this year. He hasn't been on the winning since losing it and has been doing anything he can to get another shot. Now he may get it, but has to contend with two hungry stars, perhaps hungrier than he, though not as obsessed!)
(In the darkness is where we find him as we usually do lately. He doesn't hang around anyone else, even Xanthus and Corez who has an alliance with, no, Scorpion distances himself from all. He just sits on a steel chair in the dark, wears leather pants and a sleeveless shirt, blonde hair tied back and his eyes cold as ice.)
Scorpion: Fuck you D-Von! You think I respect your brother because he can talk...are a you a fucking moron!
(He just sneers.)
Scorpion: Your brother was a big, fat ass, piece of shit and always will be and you are just like him. Your just not as fat, but still as dumb and I respect neither one of you low class assholes. You've always gone around trying to have some chip on your shoulder, you think you've been held down, heh, you have no idea D-Von. Your lucky that your no talent ass has the fame you got in this business. Held down you weren't, you never had anything taken from you, you don't even deserve half of what you got, you just plain suck!
(Scorpion spits in disgust as if spitting at D-Von.)
Scorpion: You try to talk big, talk to myself and Nick as if were beneath you, as if we don't know what you know, but truth is its the two of you who know less than I know. I have been to the top, I am the greatest there is in the history of wrestling, I am better than you two and everyone before us and after us because no one can reach my level. The difference between myself and guys like you D-Von, like you and Nick, the difference is that I don't have to be carried, I am the guy who carries deadweight, worthless idiots like you two. I fill the seats for all the events, I make these people pay to see the shows. Sure, they want to see me get my ass kicked and it does happen becuase I've actually been screwed unlike you. Thing is, my talent always shines through and I do overcome the odds and this Sunday I will stand tall looking to the next week when I get my hands on Chris Orton again and dismantle him and take back my World Heavyweight Title!
(His face kinda lights up, eyes like iced over daggers.)
Scorpion: Now Nick Torres, why your even in this match I don't know, of course same goes for D-Von I guess, heh, my only competition is two washed up tag team wrestlers past their primes invading in my spotlight. Nick, why don't you go join your friends on the retired list because its where you belong, far away from a wrestling ring. Give it up Nick, walk away now and spare yourself the embarrassment of being outclassed and outshined by me. You two hasbeens should both do the right thing, the honorble thing and come out this Sunday and forfeit because if you step in that ring and fight me it may very well be the last match you both have.
(He stands up now and then suddenly kicks the chair backwards and looks intense as hell.)
Scorpion: Only one man deserves to get a World Heavyweight Title shot and that is me...hell, only I deseve that title anyways, but Chris Orton is  poster boy, he's a kiss ass, he's a flash in the pan, so I get screwed over while he crries my title. It is coming back to me though, Golden Glory, July the twenty sixth I get back my World Heavyweight Title, it will happen. D-Von, Nick, your just in this match, so SEF can say they give chances to everyone, even broken down, washed out losers like you two. Its inevitable, Scorpion is SEF!
(He gets a slight grin now and slowly backs away into the darkness and soon disappears, leaving the view empty.)

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