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In Over Your Head (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 09:55:26 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:25/07/2009 2:56 PMCopy HTML

(Its been a while since we seen a deathmatch in SEF, but in just twent four hours we'll get to see one and on top of that w eget 
to see the man who made them famous in SEF compete in the brutal, barbaric, sadistic, hardcore bloodbath of a match. Mack faces Suicide Hank in the deathmatch and besides the pride on the line, each man puts up a championship title. Mack's IC Title and Hank's International Title will hang twenty feet above the ring and only one man can bring them down, but first that man must put down the other man, bring them down to hell!)
(Down around Mack right now is the hell of a deathmatch, then ring with ropes removed one parrell sides and on the floor on those sides are the beds of death. The ropes interwined with electric wires and barbed wire. Looking down at all is Mack who sits atop a twenty foot ladder in the center of the ring, the ring that is covered with 2 x 4's laced with C4. Mack sits up there in his ring gear and his IC Title strapped around his waist, his head held high and his eyes full of pride, determination, and nostalgia. The memories this man must have from all his wars in this very type of match, the memories in general from his years in this business, and tomorrow night will be another one to remember for the ages, the night Suicide Hank finally gets to step into a deathmatch with someone of the likes he's never faced before and that's a shoot.)
MACK: So here we are Hank, well, were almost here, just one more day to go until we finally meet one on one inside of a ring, inside of the most hardcore match ever devised, the deathmatch, made in Japan, so naturally called the japanese deathmatch. I've been in my fair share of them and I cna tell ya now, I can't get enough of them. Its hard to have to wait one more day when we've waited this long already, but my patience is unlimited. I can hold out, I can tolerate it, I have no problem relaxed and biding the time it takes, I'm cool brotha!
(He raises his arms in a cocky manner and smirks, then lers his arms placing his hands on his thighs.)
MACK: Your supposed to be so hated, ya claim to be the most hated from back on MSN, you get off on people hating you, heh, to each their own, but bro, I don't hate ya, I don't hate anyone in this business. Some may tell me I am lying because I've had issues with plenty of people to maybe warrant hate between us, but that ain't me, I don't hate. As far as your claim goes about the MSN days, that's your biggest claim you have, so its no wonder you had to make something up to try and sound cool. I on the other hand Hank, I actually had a following of haters on MSN bigger than you can imagine. People tried to blacklist me from MSN, they tried to fucking get me banned from ever appearing on any MSN broadcast, but it never worked because all their hate was fueld by jealousy and lies, no truth what so ever. The difference between us Hank, I didn't like being in that position, I'll go as far to say that I hated it, heh, but with all the assholes who hated me for years on MSN, I met just as many cool cats, made just as many friends and through it all, the haters and the friends, it was a fucking fun and worth it and I wouldn't change it for anything, not even the world, not the universe, nothing! MSN was good times and ya ways have bad times with the good, but as long ya have fun, who really gives a fuck?! Just keep on rolling and do what you love to do and that's me right there brotha, I never backed down, never changed my ways, never gave up, just kept rolling on as myself, as the Mack!
(His expression grows serious and proud.)
MACK: You also seem to think my hardcore ability ain't up to par with yours, ya think I'm just some two bit wrestler who swings a chair and calls myself hardcore. Shows how green you really are! I never called myself hardcore in the first place, I earned the right to be called hardcore years ago, matter of fact I think it was like ten years ago when I was just young punk with no clue and all balls ready to kill myself to earn respect. I did it too, now I got a little bit of a clue and even bigger balls and tomorrow night Hank...your gonna choke when I kick your teeth down yer throat! You targeted me because i'm number one, because if you could take out Mack you'd be guaranteed a World Title shot, hell, you'd be bigger than the World Champion!
(He smirks at that and just shrugs like he half ass meant it.)
MACK: You came to SEF, you won yourself some gold, now your after the big dawg on campus, you have to prove yourself tomorrow night, you need to win. Me, well no I don't have to win, but Hank, I ain't gonna lose because I got nothing to lose! This title around my waist, if you win I lose it yes, but it won't lower me any, so as I said, I ain't got nothing to lose. I've proven myself time and time again to SEF and to the world, all the boys in the back treat me like soldiers treat generals, the fans treat me like a god, and I earned it all by being like one in the ring. I live for wrestling, I don't medle around and play around and ride others in a company, I make companies! When I get booked on a card I show up like no one else can and shows all the others up! Mack is a name synomonous with loyalty and with that comes the respect and comes the greatness. I earned it all by being one of the hardest fucking worked around and ain't nothing changed, not at all. You one of my brothers in this business Hank and on that alone there is respect between us, least on my end there is. How much is up to you and how far your willing to go to be somebody around here. Prove yourself Hank, prove your better than some random flavor of the month no name jackoff like that Crow poser we had in here sometime back. Prove you can hang with the man, c'mon brotha, lets dance!
(Mack stands up on the ladder now, then steps up to the very top of it and spreads his arms out like wings, he smirks.)
MACK: I can go all night long in this match, then pick my ass up and do it again the next night and so on, back to back nights for as long as it takes. I know I can do it because Hank...I've fucking done it for weeks straight. A little bit of sleep, some partying, a few bandages, and a whole lot of knowledge is what I got, an experience worth...well I suppose unmarked because its priceless and that is my life. I rolled with the big dawgs when I was a young pup, I was tore through towns mixing it up with the  top draws and the bottom of the barrel, I paid more dues than you owe. Tomorrow night at Golden Glory your paying up and I'm taking you to the bank. You may have targeted the right man here in SEF, but brotha, your in over your head and your about to drown!
(He grins big now and closes his eyes, then tilts his head back and it almost looks like he's gonna flips off the ladder when the lights go out, complete darkness is all we see, fade to- no, the lights shoot back on and Mack is gone. We pan around and around and he's nowhere, so now the view fades to black.)

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