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universal6 star tag team

Returning To The Top (Ares)

Started by Jake Voss, April 05, 2023, 11:39:23 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:16/08/2009 11:31 AMCopy HTML

(So Ares returned last week at the expense of Mack when he helped Hardcore Haz after their match beat down Mack. Now Ares is returning in the ring and in 
the main event in a big six person tag match with Mack as one of his opponents. Should be something intense and fierce and Ares is preparing as usual, sitting back in his room drinking down beer after beer, a cooler of cheap beer on ice next to him. Ares sits back in jean shorts and white muscle shirt and a pissed off look on his face. He slams down a beer as the camera focuses on him, then grabs another popping it open.)
Ares: Tonight I make my big in ring return to SEF and just like last week it'll be the same fucking result!
(He pounds down a good bit a beer, then speaks again.)
Ares: Mack will be left laying like the broken man he is. This business ain't for him anymore, its for guys like me and Haz, for Scorpion even, though that prick needs to lighten and just whip some ass. Hank though, he seems cool to me, seems like a guy who like me will go out and just whip ass and then go out after the show and slam a few beers, so Hank, brotha, me and Haz don't mind drinking buddies, so tonight lets celebrate beating Mack's ass by getting fucking ripped!
(Ares slams down that beer and wipes his mouth his hand, then wipes his hand on his shorts.)
Ares: Now I realize it ain't just Mack in this fucking match, no, we got some little girl teaming with him and we got this so called King of SEF Jordan Brooks. He thinks he's so great, but he don't understand that if I had been able to be in that tournament he would have never even made it to the finals. Tonight the hellraiser of all hellraisers returns and I'm gonna take that little fucking crown of yours Jordan and I'm gonna shove it straight up your ass with my boot. Your not a future World Champ, your nobody and your gonna remain that way.
(He grabs a beer from his cooler popping it open and guzzles down some of it.)
Ares: As for this Taylor chick, heh, look sweetheart, why don't you leave the ringtime to the big boys and save your energy for tonight and pay me a visit after the show, give me something your good at to celebrate my win tonight!
(He smirks and guzzles down some more beer.)
Ares: Fact a matter is that I'm a walk my ass into Extreme and go fucking extreme on all you lousy sons a bitches and walk out the fucking winner and still the best brawler in the business. Now get that fucking camera outta here before I cost SEF some money!
(He slams down his beer and tosses the can at it as the cameraman backs out of the room. We see Ares grab a new beer and crack it open as the view fades to black.)

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