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I am still better.

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 11:49:18 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:47
  • Posts:34
  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:18/08/2009 3:51 PMCopy HTML

Oh no you didn't know, Suicide Hank is about to kick some ass... What as Hank been doing lately, nothing really. The reasons why, well he's been busy on some other shit. That other shit, can not be told as of right now. Which will be later.
The cameras takes you inside a building where the cool air is running and no one knows where he at but him and the camera man. We see Suicide Hank wearing blue jeans and a white-shirt is sitting down on a brown steel chair. He looks up and notices the camera man standing there...

"First thing, I want to said is. Jordan you might be the king of SEF. It don't matter, I will still beat your ass all over the arena. I mean what you are a king, so does that make you unstoppable? I don't think so you little fool. You need to get on somewhere, and I mean it. You are about to get your ass whoop back and forth. Come on King, The god is coming through, it don't matter if Mack beat me or not. I am still god compare to you. Taylor, you said your team is better. It's not. Your team is full of fools. First Jordan, he think he is now a king, being unstoppable. Which he's not. I have face you before, and guess what my team was better. Your team is a lame. I'm going break your jaw, so you better be ready. Now Mack, just shut the fuck up. You beat me, and you said I am not doing much. I have been busy, I mean what you want another rematch. I got you. This time, I will beat you. Oh yeah, I am a star, I always been a star. I am god compare to anyone out here. God mack, you can claim king of hardcore. I am god, no matter if you beat me or not. Keep running your little mouth, it don't matter. I am still better then you. You can go ahead and team with SVD, to me that fool is nothing. I bet he will snap and talk shit about me thinking we are friends, well as long he teams with a fool like you. Fuck him, he's nothing and really truth is... He is nothing. With that I am done."
Camera fades away
tbc-no one

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