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It suicide facing me!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 06, 2023, 12:03:26 AM

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Date Posted:04/09/2009 10:29 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of Chris Orton that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

SEF presents "Extreme" came on the air, SEF fans were wondering where was Chris Orton over past couple of weeks, and Orton has not been in action in a while. We about to find out where Chris Orton has been, because he appears on titiantron with SEF World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder getting mix reaction, so he started to speak into the camera.

Chris Orton: Everybody wants to know where I have been, and why I haven't been on SEF television as of late over couple of weeks. I took a very deserve vacation sitting at my house waiting and waiting until the next challenger is name which I will defend my title at the next pay per view called "Gangsta Paradise". I understand the challenger is Nick Torres made comments saying he going to SEF World Heavyweight Champion beat me in that ring, but Torres needs to understand it suicide facing me in that ring. You see Torres this title on my shoulder means I am the very best in this business could very well be greatest SEF World Heavyweight Champions in history, because I earn this title beating every single person who got in the ring with me. I didn't have any help getting where I am today, and I can promise you this at "Gangsta Paradise" that this title will not go to you.

Orton lick his lips touching his title hearing the reaction from SEF fans, so Orton started talking about his upcoming match with Suicide Hawk.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Extreme", I face Suicide Hawk in singles action, so what going to happen stepping in that ring against this guy? I'm going to hurt this guy head to toe breaking his entire body in half, because if you think calling yourself "Suicide" as your first name suppose to impress me think again. You see Suicide Hawk I always prepare myself facing the best in this business, and I know every week tough challengers are coming my way, so I'm ready for anything that is throw at me, because I'm fighting champion and bring my best every single night. Tonight on "Extreme", Nick Torres should sit down take some notes, because the only way he going to beat me if he bring it at "Gangsta Paradise", and Suicide Hawk better bring it or I'll end his career on "Extreme".

Orton had dirty dangerous look on his face, and "Extreme" went to a commercial break.


This Layout Was Made For Chris Orton by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker

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