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it time to play family fued!!!!!!

Started by MattWard, April 06, 2023, 12:52:48 PM

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Date Posted:21/10/2009 7:26 PMCopy HTML

Mindless thoughts: glad to be back, let hope i can really make an impact
OOC: Hey Jon figured get something going for a fued
It has been a long while, since Tyler and Chris have seen eye to eye on things, they might be brothers an all but they disagree like two political parties running for election. now Chris Orton is a mainstream Superstar in SEF after he left WGEF. so who knows how Chris Orton is going to react seing that his brother his now a newest talent pick up courtsey of the SEF owner and he is not coming alone he is also bringing his tag team partner Jordan Helmsley. them to togther are known as Legacy in WWENG09 the name given to them by randy orton himself. as the cameras are rolling in the arena as Tyler Orton is walking into the arena as he makes his way towards his brother's locker room as he push open the door as Taylor Johnson and Chirs Orton are in the locker room as Chirs Orton gets up as he looks at his brother as Tyler begins to speak

well what do we have here the chump of the family and his whore

Chirs Orton:
you better take that back tyler, you know i am better, and you know Taylor is not a whore.

what chris you jealous that you are not getting any play from the real woman in the company so you go get some cheep knock off barbie imitation.

Taylor Johnson is about to get up and say something to Tyler as Chirs keeps her down as Chris starts to say something to Tyler

Chirs Orton:
so what are you doing here tyler, do not tell me you are just coming to see what are real champion is unlike you and Randy.

oh you want to know why i am here, the reason is that me and my tag team partner are the newest superstars of SEF we just signed our contracts, so you are going to see alot of me bro.

Chris looks at his brother as he begins to speak

tbc by Chirs Orton Only


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Re:it time to play family fued!!!!!!
Date Posted:22/10/2009 3:39 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of Chris Orton that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Chris Orton couldn't believe his own brother Tyler Orton would show his face in the same company that he is in, so he pretty piss hearing him disrespect his girlfriend, and Chris Orton whisper something to Tyler Johnson making her leave the room. Chris Orton got in Tyler Orton face, because he got plenty to say, so he started talking again.

Chris Orton: I don't know why you decide to show your face in this company, but maybe you are jealous over my success, so I don't really care if you are here or not. One thing you shouldn't done that's piss me off by disrespect my girlfriend Taylor Johnson like that, so you and I are going to have a major problem, and I'm starting to think rather or not to drop you on your ass right here and now!

Tyler Orton: Go ahead! I dare you!

Chris Orton: This war between you and I needs to come to an end, because if you want a match with me go ahead make some calls. I'm focus on better things than wasting my time on you brother, so you go ahead make a statement in SEF, because we all know who better Orton is in SEF that's me!

Tyler Orton: Not anymore!

Chris Orton: You know what I'm done talking to you, because I got a match to prepare for, so you stay out of my way or else!

Chris Orton and Tyler Orton are face to face with each other, and SEF fans are liking what they are seeing, so they waited to see what going to happen next.



This Layout Was Made For Chris Orton by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.

Liz Decker


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