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Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 01:46:48 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:16/11/2009 4:51 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:Panic In The Motor City 
OOC message:Midnight sorry about stealing your layout. I needed something to make this RP good. ;D 

Good old Detroit subway, got you where you need to be. It would be a nice place if it weren't for the urine stained brown walls. It had always confused me how the further up you went the more urine stained it got. It also led me to ask how someone pissed here without anyone noticing? Just like how people in his apartment would send there dogs out and have them openly shit on the property then not clean it up. Who do they think they are Chuck Norris?

But I digress.

The subway train had stopped, everyone exited in a kerfuffle. Nikky Venom with a cigarette already in his mouth steps out looking at everyone stare right back at him. Parents look disgusted, adults look scared, and children cover their eyes trying not to look at him. Huh, that makes a person feel good. He steps out of the train and sees a man pissing in the corner. No one doing anything, I don't blame them he looked drunk.

He looks around...No one. He hears it again.


Who was that?


A man comes running up out of breath so Nikky waits a minute while he catches his breath.

"Nikky Venom, right?

He looked a little too plain to be a fan of Venom's.

"I can get you an autograph if you have a pen."

"Much appreciated. But actually, I was sent by SEF to come get you, you know with your history and what not, they thought i'd be a good idea if they sent someone. Here let me get that."

The man tries to light Nikky's cigarette, but Nikky quickly grabs the cigarette from his mouth and puts it behind his ear, as he surveying this character

"I don't need a ride. I can handle myself"

"You got to come with me. Everyone knows about your antic and shenanigans, and I'm here to make sure everythings calm and cool."

"So you're like the Doc to my Nikki Sixx (don't laugh at the similarity)"

"I don't know, was this Doc character supposed to keep this Nikki fellow in line?

"Yep, He failed by the way."

"Well I won't, I can't fail."

"I appreciate your dedication, but I'm afraid you will fail. If they really wanted to keep me pre-occupied, they should've just sent a girl with a decent rack and no STDs"

He laughed at that.

"I'm Dean by the way."

"Good for you."

Nikky pulls out another cigarette and puts it in his mouth, he pulls out the official Sixx:A.M. lighter and lights his cigarette with a much bigger flame than Dean's crappy Bic one. They start walking to the vehicle, Dean talking away about the company while Nikky tries not to punch him in the face. Finally, they get to the limo and Dean opens the door for him before getting in himself. When the car started moving he rolls down the window and noticed the camera on the seat. Dean has an awkward smile on his face. Nikky just rolled his eyes.

"I got half an hour before I meet my friends, start the camera."

"Already rolling, we can clean it up with editing."

Dean gets behind the camera.

"Nah, no editing just let it rock." Nikky said. "Ladies and Gentalman, come to Extreme and witness the debut of the sexiest man alive, yours truely Nikky Venom. There has been nothing but hype for me and trust me I can live up to any amount of hype. Anyway, even though I'm not fighting, I will be there an I will be known.

TBC: Anyone

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