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Who Is The Better Orton?

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 06, 2023, 01:49:20 PM

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Date Posted:18/11/2009 2:58 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Who Is The Better Orton?
Jordan Brooks, Tyler Orton
Roleplaying for the show
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene open up with a video of Chris Orton becoming two-time SEF World Heavyweight Champion by beating Jordan Brooks, so he is now focus dealing with his brother Tyler Orton who wants to use Chris Orton as a door mat to make a name for himself in SEF.  The scene shows Chris Orton appearing on titiantron with SEF World Heavyweight Title on his shoulder, and we hear massive pop reaction from SEF fans in the background, so Chris Orton started speaking about winning SEF World Heavyweight Title, and feuding with his own brother.

Chris Orton: Last week on "Extreme", I told the world exactly Jordan Brooks time is already over, and I prove it by becoming the two-time SEF World Heavyweight Champion, so I plan on keeping this title on my shoulder for a very long time until someone steps up their game. Tyler Orton, you decide make fun of my girlfriend Taylor Johnson and insult me to try get under my skin. I made it clear to stay out of my way, but you decided to attack me what happen I drop you with a "CKO" to send you a message that I'm better Orton in the family.

Chris Orton stops talking, licking his lips, and he hearing reaction from SEF fans, so he continues to speak.

Chris Orton: This is your first big test Tyler, because you are facing the biggest SEF superstar on the roster that would be me, so what exactly are you going to do to me in that ring on "Extreme"? The answer is nothing, because you said I was chump of the family, but you are the chump of the family. You are going to regret every word you said about me and Taylor with my foot kicking your skull in. I'm going to make sure that your career in SEF comes to an end, and this company already has a better Orton that is me not you!

"Your'e Going Down!" by Sick Puppies hits the pa system, and "Extreme" goes to a commercial break.

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