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Teaming Again..wwwwwwwwwwwooooooo

Started by SVD, April 06, 2023, 05:07:08 PM

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Date Posted:25/11/2009 6:25 AMCopy HTML

SVDJEFF.jpg picture by salmanvandam007
This is quite schocking as to learn that last week SVD lost his championship,but SVD knew one thing that he wasn't destroyed like Bethany and her friends promised last week and this week she and Jordan are saying the exact same thing ,"Destruction of SVD",well after hearing all that,Salman couldn't stop laughing as the camera opens up and SVD appears infront of the camera.

SVD:"So last week I was screwed from my title match,this week it wont happen again,but atleast there was no destruction of Salman Van Dam,and there will never be a destruction of Salman Van Dam,and I learned my old friend Mack,my former tag team partner is returning to the ring action,let me just welcome him back".

He looks down and then looks back at the camera.

SVD:"And now lets come to the real business,to the real point,for days ,days,and days I have been running after  the SEF International Championship and last week I was screwed out of my title match,but this week I am gonna screw those that screwed ME!!!".

He looked quite serious as he later replies.

SVD:"I know Chris Orton has my back,I have seen him in WGEF and I remember we used to team up over there for a short period,I remember what happened and How Deacon Havoc attacked him and nearly put him to retirement,and he should remember that I was one that was covering  all that ,I pretended to be Chris Orton's attacker when I knew I wasn't ,but Orton,that was in the past,this the present,and tonight we are gonna represent the future and it lays in our hands now,I know you got my back,and I assure you got mine and as for those two mother fuckers.Brooks and Bethany,they willl know the real destruction that will happen but not to us,to them,because tonight whether Midnight gets involve or anyone from Jordan's side,We WILL WIN.

He paused as he takes the deep breath and continue backs.

SVD:"But I am not done here,Beth and Jordan please stop your crapppy destruction on us,please what are you two planning to end our careers,oh come on give me a break guys,thats one pathetic thing you have in mind,because no one has ended my career yet,and no one will because you can't really do it,if there is anyone who can end my career then that would be ME"

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