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Panic in the Motorcity

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 05:12:04 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:25/11/2009 4:42 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:Panic In The Motor City
OOC message:Orton I think my path of destruction will continue with you.
Nikky is outside of the arena having a cigarette with his I-Pod cranked. most would have taken him as a metal head, and even though he is a ginormous fan of the metal arts he still enjoys to listen to rock covers, and country (Rascal Flatts what hurts the most only) before a match. Anyway so I-Pod cranked with Ever fallen in love by Thursday playing and went to put out the cigarette, before seeing that Tyler was standing out there with him. For once he wasn't being stared at with varieties of disapproving eyes (such as frightened, disappointing, etc.). He was just staring at the stars, in a deep trance. It seemed like nothing could snap him out of it. seconds later he looks down and says "You Nikky Venom"


"I'm facing you right?"

"Ya. What's it to ya."

"I just want you to know, I will beat you, I will destroy you."

"Big talk for a man on a losing streak. And I would just like you to know, I won't lose, you will be just another victim on my rise to fame. You are an will continue to be on the bottom of the barrel, you never be a champion like I will be in about 1 months time. So I'd shut my mouth if I were you and start training for your next match because this match is over before it starts."

"Whatever buddy, I am  the greatest man in the world, the most sexy, and most athleticly gifted"

"Everyone says that and you know what happens? They all end up with their "Future Endeavers". You better start taking things seriously for a minute and know that this is your one chance at fame. But like I said it won't happen this night. I'm The Panic in the Motorcity and I'll show you why they call me that."

Nikky goes back inside the building while Tyler's left alone in the darkness.
TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Panic in the Motorcity
Date Posted:25/11/2009 10:31 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:Panic In The Motor City
OOC message:Orton I think my path of destruction will continue with you.

Wow hurtful words Tyler, Nikky will never recover in time for the match. Oh wait I was being sarcastic! You see just like before Tyler is trying to intimidate Nikky and just won't learn that, well...That Doesn't Work! The only two things that scare Nikky is Nuclear War and Carny's-with their little hands that smell like cabbage- so unless you got a Nuc' or a midget-using both would make him win btw-you won't win. If I may I'm going to steal a line from Dan-E-O's song Secta De Uno. "My ability level is of heavenly essence, I'm over-stature in class, consider yourself lucky to even be in my presence. You will respect me or suffer the harshest of lessons... I dominate a movement of only the finest people that's why it's a Sect of one 'cause nobody's my equal. Master of all things, never to be a sequel. Compared to me god isn't good and the devil isn't evil..." That basically sums up Nikky Venom up. He's a tank and even though he looks like all hype no skill, believe me, he is all skill and hype.

"Jesus this guy just won't give up. He has no skill, what is this like his 10 millionth loss in a row? Whatev', I'm the past present and future of ass kicking, and I've just started here in SEF. Trust me, no one will stop me until I become the king of the SEF, and am crowned World Champion. Now I must "lurk in the dark waiting for my perfect time to strike". That's actually funny. You know, I've been getting dirty looks and rude comments for about 12 years now and for once someone spoke their minds and madea stereotypical comment that's actually funny. Come on man, I am the greatest thing to enter this company in the last month but whatev'. I'm not bragging 'cause that's something Tyler Orton would do. So you can be all cocky, hit me with every brutal move ever, and even use barbed-wired weapons but I'll still win because I got the right mind set. One thing about me is once I get an idea in my head I can't get it out until I have it. I Don't Care. I will do my best and give 200% more than anyone in this locker room. I can't insure a victory just my activity in this match. Peace!"

TBC: Anyone

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