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Orton got drama and big match!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, April 06, 2023, 05:19:40 PM

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Date Posted:02/12/2009 11:24 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
It's Over!
Taylor Johnson, Smokey McWeed, Jordan Brooks, SVD
Roleplaying for the show!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme' is on the air, the scene open up with Taylor Johnson and Chris Orton having a big fight, so SEF fans listen in to find out what going betweeen these two.

Taylor Johnson: Why haven't you spend any time with me?

Chris Orton: I been busy alright! I'm been going places, signing stuff for SEF fans, and I'm SEF World Heavyweight Champion!

Taylor Johnson: I wish you weren't SEF World Heavyweight Champion, because you and I will have some time together for crying out loud.

Chris Orton: You know what ever since you and I got together, I don't see you very much around here, so I'm breaking up with you!

SEF fans hear a bombshell Chris Orton breaking up with Taylor Johnson, and she is shown crying, so Orton continues to speak.

Chris Orton: You don't call me, e-mail me, or see me around here. I don't see the point staying in a relationship which you don't see me anymore.

Taylor Johnson: I'm sorry babe! I want work things out!

Chris Orton: I don't! It's over Taylor!

Chris Orton makes his way out of the locker room, and we see Taylor Johnson in tears, so the scene ran some footage what happen last week on "Extreme". The scene open up again showing Chris Orton walking in the hallway, and he was stop by backstage interviewer Smokey McWeed started talking to him.

Smokey McWeed: What up Orton! It about time you dump that bitch!

Chris Orton: What you want Smokey?

Smokey McWeed: I just wanted to know what on your pie facing SVD and Jordan Brooks in main event?

Chris Orton: Pie? Are you high again?

Smokey McWeed: I smoke this shit every damn day!

Chris Orton: Back to your question, I heard Jordan Brooks little promo didn't find anything interesting to say, because all I been hearing is how much he going to become the SEF World Heavyweight Champion. Jordan Brooks, when you are going to realize I got you where I want you, so you continue to believe you gonna win this title it's never going to happen. You made me taste my own blood, so you have to deal the punishment I plan on giving you at the next pay-per-view, because this title will never EVER come to you.

Smokey McWeed: You are facing FVD, so you got to ay?

Chris Orton: The man name is SVD, and I heard what he has to say about winning this match to be add in SEF World Heavyweight Title match at pay-per-view, but SEF fans want to see myself and Jordan Brooks put together another awsome match, so if he wants get involve in this match might have to pin Jordan Brooks to get his shot, but we all know that never going to happen.

Chris Orton leaves Smokey McWeed alone, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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