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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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This is for my sister

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 05:37:29 PM

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Date Posted:06/12/2009 6:58 PMCopy HTML

The camera shows Megan and Midnight in the ring. Midnight smiles and jumps down off the top rope and stands in the middle of the ring. Megan and Midnight stare each other down before Midnight backs away and spears Megan, putting her on her back. Megan growls loudly before jumping u and getting her cousin in a full nelson.Once Megan has Midnight in the hold, she spins around and drops Midnight to the ring. Midnight jumps up and goes after Megan once again. Megan stops her by rolling out of the way. Midnight gets caught in the ropes. Megan gets on the top turnbuckle and catchs Midnight with a leg drop, causing her to fall out of the ring.
Midnight slides back into the ring and comes after Megan again. Megan catchs Midnight's arm and flips her onto the ground. Megan quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Midnight to stand up. Midnight stands up only to get caught with Sorrow's Revenge. Megan quickly pins her cousin, hooking her leg and smiling evily. A sevant of Midnight's counts.
Girl: 1....................2..................3.
Megan stands up and reachs down to help Midnight up when clapping is heard. Megan turns around to see Bethany walking towards the ring. Letting Midnight drop back into the ring, Megan slides out and runs to hug her sister tightly. Bethany just laughs softly and looks at her younger sister.
Bethany: Hey, little sister. I seen your match against Nikky. Very good. You better be able to do that to him at Apocalypse. I want to see you beat his ass as well as Mack and the other idiots.
Megan smiles and nods, going and getting Bethany's title from a chair by the ring.
Megan: Trust me, I'm going to put a bigger hurting on Nikky then before. He won't stand a chance.
Bethany leans against the ring and watchs as Megan drinks some water and looks back at her.
Megan: Yeah, I understand I have more then just one opponent this time around. Trust me, I know. My biggest threat would have to be Mack though. I will worry about him after I deal with Nikky. Nikky is my biggest concern.
Bethany just smiles and hugs her sister, placing an arm over her shoulder. Midnight stands behind them in the ring and grins. Megan looks at the camera and laughs.
The camera cuts off to go to an advertisment for Apocalypse.

(TBC by No One)

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