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I Need A Break

Started by SVD, April 06, 2023, 05:50:34 PM

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Date Posted:12/12/2009 5:48 AMCopy HTML

SVDJEFF.jpg picture by salmanvandam007
For  weeks  and weeks,Salman Van Dam trying to  entertain the fans ,trying to earn the top spot of the industry but how far would he go?Last week  He  got involve in Chris Orton's match to chase away Beth and Megan,and to help Orton retain his championship and this week Salman is going to wrestle again.People were screaming  and shouting as they  all want Mack to be around them,They  all want Mack,obviously while on the other hand Salman Van Dam is feeling annoyed and mentally disturbed.

SVD:"I think I need a damn break,I have been appearing regularly on SEF  Televison and nothing is working for me,I couldn't win a damn match for the past few weeks.I think  I should take break and rest myself for  a while.Yeah that would definently would be a good idea"


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Re:I Need A Break
Date Posted:12/12/2009 8:52 PMCopy HTML

As SVD finishes up and turns away from the camera he comes face to face with MACK who is decked out in the usual clothes and staring straight into SVD's eyes. SVD surprised to see him backs up a few steps to give some space out of respect and says.

"Hey Mack, how ya doing bro?"

MACK just looks dead serious and forgets a reply getting to the point.

"Look man, if ya really need a break from the work in the ring, then that is one thing, but if your down in the fucking dumps from not winning a lot or from hearing all the cheers and chants for myself, then don't do it. They don't chant what they chant because you or anyone else sucks, its because I have been loyal to them all these years, I gave every fucking ounce of energy I have to entertain them and they respect the ever loving hell out of me. Seven years in SEF bro, yea, I took a break or two here and there, but never very long and my total work time is probably seven years as SEF has been open almost eight now, so fuck, I don't know as I don't care, I just love what I do."

SVD quickly responds.

"As do I man, I just don't know, right now I'm not feeling it I guess."

Mack nods his head and shrugs his shoulders, then says.

"If your not feeling it, then maybe ya could take a break to revaluate yourself, but ya either got the desire to be a pro wrestler or ya don't. Losing means shit bro, its how much you go out there and give that means anything, how well received you are by your peers, how fucking hard you work and in the long run that shit pays off. Prove your loyalty, step the fuck up and phase my ass out, I don't care man, do what YOU have to do!"

He points to SVD's chest and then lowers his hand continuing to speak.

"If ya want bro, we can team up again and I'll personally help ya get going into something, I'll fucking ride with ya from town to town, train with ya, I'll teach ya what I know and in return I get to learn the craft even more cause we all may be teachers, but we are also students and that is true, that's a real shoot!"

SVD nods in agreement and says.

"Yea man, that is true and I'd like to team with ya some more, but I need to think about what I want to do."

MACK nods ok and says.

"Its cool with me, lets work together or when I turn my back and walk away to let ya think maybe you'll jump my ass and start something on your own!?"

SVD just laughs and says.

"Nah man, I can't do that to you."

MACK just shakes his head side to side and says.

"Well, that's your choice and its not right or wrong. You think about this though and please bro, don't take a break, just work your ass off and I promise you that you'll get rewarded for your efforts. But hey, enough of this, ya know where to find me if wanna talk, pick my brain, so catch ya later brother!"

MACK extends his hand and SVD shakes and says.

"See ya Mack!"

They release grips and MACK turns walking away with his usual swaggers as SVD looks down thinking.

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