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Megan is not a SORROW??(ALL READ)

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 06:49:44 PM

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Date Posted:14/12/2009 1:01 PMCopy HTML

Midnight had just got back from taking care of business when she got the folder that she had been wanting from the Transylvania government that had information concerning Megan Sorrow.

"Finally...it's here!" Midnight said as she ripped open the envelope and started reading what was on the paper. She scanned down to see if the information about Megan was right and it was in plain view of Midnight's dark eyes. Megan Sorrow wasn't a Sorrow by blood, but was kidnapped as a baby by Hell's Army and then given to Katherine Ann Sorrow to raise. Bethany wasn't her real sister but instead, Damien Micheal Crow was her blood brother. Hell's Army didn't want Midnight locating her long lost daughter Ravenna Alexandra Crow aka Megan Crow. Ravenna was Megan's middle name as that is what her father Ravyn gave her. Ravyn didn't even know that his daughter was missing until Midnight contacted him, telling him everything that was going on. Ravyn went on the hunt to help his ex wife find out about their long lost daughter. And this is where the envelope finally got sent to Midnight.
Megan walked into the room as Midnight had a blood drop come from her eye as she smiled at Megan. Megan curious as ever spoke up.

"Cousin Mid, why are you crying?"

Midnight reached out her arms and then hugged Megan tightly and then explained.

"I am not your cousin, Megan. I am in fact your long lost mother. Here...read this. it will explain everything."

Megan read it and started to tear up, not of sadness but tears of relief that she knew she didn't belong in the Sorrow family. She was too much like Midnight in all aspect. She ever had her father's temper which tended to get her into mischief alot of times. Megan then spoke.



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Re:Megan is not a SORROW??(ALL READ)
Date Posted:14/12/2009 1:12 PMCopy HTML

Megan just looked at the file in her hands. Tears fall from her eyes as she looks at Midnight. The tears were of happiness.

Megan: Why was I taken away from you then? Why did I have to be given to that....that woman?

Megan just sits down, fighting back more tears. She should be being tough since she has a match coming up but right now, she felt so happy and could careless what the others thought of her right now. She wasn't weak. She was just releived to find out who she really was.


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Re:Megan is not a SORROW??(ALL READ)
Date Posted:14/12/2009 1:20 PMCopy HTML

Midnight looks at her then strokes her daughter's face while smiling.

"Because they thought that it would hurt me and take me from the war with them and they also knew my weakness. But now you are with me and I vow no one will ever fuck with my kids again."

Midnight hugs her tightly before Midnight started walking away.

"Let's go get something to eat Ravenna. I'm hungry."

They head to the kitchen as they see the maid washing dishes.



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Re:Megan is not a SORROW??(ALL READ)
Date Posted:14/12/2009 1:24 PMCopy HTML

Megan just smiled and followed her mom. She was safe now and she knew it. She entered the kitchen and jumped up to sit on the counter like a teenager normally would. Megan just smiled at Midnight as the servant finished the dishs and bowed to Midnight.

Megan: So....what does this mean in terms of things with SEF? I mean, we need to keep our heads in the game. We have a match against Mack and Julie.

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