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an untitled rant

Started by NBD, April 06, 2023, 08:41:12 PM

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  • Register:21/10/2008 4:55 PM
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Date Posted:19/12/2009 9:37 PMCopy HTML

Ya bunch a fucking sons of a fucking bitches, ya wanna come play with MACK, ya all think ya can step to MACK, anyone of you want to make your name at his expense, then come do it boys and girls, MACK ain't got no problem with ya trying to achieve a little bit a fame at his namesake, using his fucking career to be somebody and that's pure honesty, its what ya do in this business to make an impact. MACK knows all about making fucking impacts if anyone even bothers to do research and check his history out. From fucking day one in this goddamn business to this very day of today he made impact after fucking impact, so fucking bring it on boys and girls!
MACK had a huge impact to his life a little over a month ago when all his best friends died in a car wreck and now Wednesday night one of two remaining, Julie, suffered much the same, a car wreck. Both accidents out of the control of his friends, they were all passengers, hell, this second one, the car was not moving and MACK was in it as well. Any injury must be minor because he doesn't seem physically affected, but mentally, well, who wouldn't be?
The answer is simple and everyone knows it, just many refuse to admit it, the answer is...
MACK admits it, he knows it, everything that happens in our lives affects and shapes up for who we are whether its major or minor. A car wreck where multiple friends die or a walk through a grassy field, a walk sown a snow covered road, whatever it may, it shapes us all, so why wouldn't a car wreck impact us? That's a question to try an answer and well you can answer it, the simple answer is that we would have to robots to not be affected, mechanical bots with no emotions, simple as that.
Now, MACK is affected by it, the new SEF management feels he can't be on the next Extreme card, that he needs time to cope, please!
MACK ain't no superficial human, he don't break down over death, he lives his fucking life because if he don't, he may as well be dead, he's a fucking realist is what he is. Yea, he feels what happened sucked ass, he wishes he could see his friends, but he don't let it depress him, he tries to forget about death because lets face it, we all have to experience it one day, why not go out and experience shit you want to do first? Its why so many of us do get out and go places every damn day, its why we as humans like to travel, to be on the road, to experience a new day every day, its sure as hell why MACK does. Some may say he is afraid of death and for a while that was true, but MACK accepts it, he accepts it and tries to forget by immersing himself in anything and everything.
So he needs to be on Extreme next week, and the next week and every fucking week, he needs to be on the road, to go back around the world and back again! He ain't gonna stay away, not MACK. If he wants to be on Extreme, boys and girls, get the fuck ready for...

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