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Hell Has No Fury Larger Than The Shit That Comes Out Of DSS's Mouth

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 08:44:48 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:19/12/2009 2:23 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
Hell has no fury,
larger than the shit that comes out of the DSS's mouth.
Roleplay Title:Hell Has No Fury Larger Than The Shit That Comes Out Of DSS's Mouth 
OOC message:Gabriel you gonna be the replacement for Bethany Sorrow?
"Wow Midnight, is this like your ritual for newcomers? You must get into some trouble with those who have recently arrived. As for former members returns...You must have them as yours, something that-I didn't get the memo for this one so bare with me-got you into a relationship with this Raven guy, and ended up putting a bun in your oven. A bun that would end up as a future stepping stone to one of the greatest  ego's in the world...'The Professor of Awesome' Nikky Venom."

Nikky is hangin around in the back chillin-which for him usually involves cold temperatures-when Johnny Camaro comes by and sits down next to the "Jamcam" (a video camera he uses to do hi promos given to him by one of his friends Jamie, hence the name "Jamcam"). He pulls out a cigarette and hands it to Nikky as he turns off the Jamcam.

"Johnny since when do you smoke?"

"Never just had a pack that you left in my car."

"At least you don't smoke, it's bad for you and'll mess up your good looks."

They both laugh as Nikky takes the pack from Johnny and  lights up his own cigarette.

"Sooo. Whatta workin on?"

"Promo against the DSS and Bethany for my match this week."

"Cool. Want some extra help?"

Nikky signals him to turn it on and to get his ass over beside Nikky.

"Kay, I'll have to start over soo 3....2....1....Now!"

"Hi I'm Johnny Camaro and this is Nikky Venom, and we're here because we need to talk about you's guys, and Gabriel."

"Bang on Johnny, but seriously, Midnight, is this like your ritual for newcomers? You must get into some trouble with those who have recently arrived. As for former members returns...You must have them as yours, something that-I didn't get the memo for this one so bare with me-got you into a relationship with this Raven guy, and ended up putting a bun in your oven. A bun that would end up as a future stepping stone to one of the greatest  ego's in the world...'The Professor of Awesome' Nikky Venom."

"Ya, and...Wait!!! 'Bun in the Oven'?!?!? That's a little weird. But that's besides the point. Gabriel I'd just like you to know that Midnight is just playing you, trying to get into your mind so she can end up squashing you like she etempted to do with Nikky and probably myself. Also, thank you Nikky for keeping me away from that case of nuts."

"Well it was my pleasure Johnny, you just owe me your life...Nah, just kidding. But on a more serious matter, Gabriel she will end up biting you in the ass-both figuratively and literally-you must save yourself before it's too late. You two may have the same goal, but so do Chris Mandryke(or whatev') and Midnight. Look how that ended, not good clearly if she needs your help to stop him. On top of all that...Bitch is god damn liar, and shes bad at it too, because everytime she did I ended up on top..."

"That's What She Said!!!!"

"...and prove shes lying. Just think about it. That is all for now because it's 2:20 am and I should be passed out drunk by now. So goodbye."

They turn the Jamcam off and walk out of the room. Nikky heading for the bar, Johnny for his room
TBC: DSS or Gabriel in the morning time. NO NIGHT ASSUALTS *midnight.


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Re:Hell Has No Fury Larger Than The Shit That Comes Out Of DSS's Mouth
Date Posted:20/12/2009 11:48 AMCopy HTML

Ravenna sits on the ground outside the arena. The cold not bothering her as she looks at the cameraman who is watching her. She just smiles at him.

Megan: What? Never seen a girl smile before? Yeah, I know I shouldn't be smiling right now but I can be.

Megan's face goes mean as she looks at the ground then at the camera.

Megan: But I do have a reason to be pissed off. Nikky, what is wrong with you? You speak of my mother like she is a common girl off the streets. Her and my father are none of your concern. you leave my father out of this. He has nothing to do with the DSS. My mother wants to form a bigger alliance. Why is that so bad?

Megan stands up and looks at the camera before heading inside. She stops at the door and looks over her shoulder.

Megan: Oh and Nikky, I'm not a stepping stone for anyone. sorry  to burst your little fantasy.

Megan just smirks, blowing the camera a kiss before closing the door behind her.


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Re:Hell Has No Fury Larger Than The Shit That Comes Out Of DSS's Mouth
Date Posted:20/12/2009 12:54 PMCopy HTML

A motorcycle can be heard coming into the parking lot of the arena as a biker type dude stops within inches of Nikky and Johnny. The biker dude looks at them both with a mean expression and then spits chewing tobacco on Nikky's right boot. Nikky didn't like this one bit as the biker dude got off his bike and got up in their face.

Nikky: Hey! You going to lick that off my shoe buddy? Or do I have to rearrange your face for spitting on a good pair of shoes?

The biker laughs and then punches Nikky dead in his jaw, knocking him down to the ground. He then turned his attention to Johnny who went to go defend Nikky's honor,only to be met face first with a big boot to the skull. The biker dude himself then spits on the ground and then spoke.

Ravyn: Hello boys! That dude you was bashing about was me! I am that"Raven guy". Except for I spell my name R..A..V..Y..N! gOT IT? good! Now boys..ever run your fucking mouth again towards my wife Midnight or towards my daughter Ravenna, I will BASH your FUCKING skull in with my black baseball bat you see over there. Do I make myself clear little boys?

They slowly get up only to be knocking down again by Ravyn. Ravyn places his foot on Nikky's throat and then continues.

Ravyn: I am not contracted here in SEF but if you keep fucking with my family boys..I will not hesitate to contact SEF and make special arrangements to show up here and teach you boys some manners, since you fuckers have none. Oh and one more thing...I wouldn't dare try to retaliate against me boys. I do work with the police departments nationally and I won't hestiate to drag your asses into jail for assault on a bounty hunter such as myself.

Ravyn takes his foot off of Nikky's throat and then watches as Ravenna spots her dad. She runs up to him all happy.

Ravenna: DADDY!!

Ravyn: Hey kitten. You ready?

Ravenna: Always.

They both get on the bike and Ravyn,revving up the bike, peels out of the parking lot of the SEF arena as the scene fades to black.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Hell Has No Fury Larger Than The Shit That Comes Out Of DSS's Mouth
Date Posted:20/12/2009 7:29 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
Hell has no fury,
larger than the shit that comes out of the DDS's mouth.
Roleplay Title:Hell Has No Fury Larger Than The Shit That Comes Out Of DSS's Mouth 
OOC message:Clearly you can't read the bottom line so I'll keep it there for you Midnight.PS. I'm not really pissed about your Ravyn RP
Alright, Nikky and Johnny have no problem admitting when someone got the upper hand on them, but one thing that they do NOT stand for is some douche fag coming in wrecking a pair of nice $12.99 Zellers shoe(which were in near perfect condition after Nikky wearing them for about 3 months) and cheap shotting them right in the face on a long dark night, when they've been up for about 24 hours, tired as shit, Nikky hammered drunk still pounding back some JD, and Johnny needing his beauty rest without the help of a fist or boot. This...Well this douche fag thinks he can come in here like he's Mr.-God Damn-Perfect combined with Vince-Fucking-McMahon and get away with purposely assaulting two of the greatest wrestlers in SEF. Yeah right! Truth is that they don't give a shit if he's with Barack Obama they with get their revengence if it kills them.

Nikky walks in the building after Ravyn left. He had already had a black eye. Johnny had left and had gone to get some supplies then heading to the DDS's home. Nikky obviously pissed about what Ravyn did went looking for him and knew exactly where he'd be. He has a chair and a guitar in his hands, and has a barbed-wire baseball bat hooked on the back of his shirt. Right now he couldn't feel pain only anger. He manages to politly knock on the DSS's door and Midnight opens it. Nikky immediatelycracks her over the head with the guitar. No one else was in there.

"So got your boyfriend to do the work that you nor Megan could ever do, huh. Well let me tell you something..."

He kneels down planting his knee on her throat.

"...This asshole you brought in is soon going to join the likes of Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, Michael Jackson, and Beast from The Ultimate X-men, in the graveyard. So unless you want you Boyfriend (he put a lot of emphasis on the B causing him to spit a little on Midnight) be there at Christmas or whatever the fuck you damn Vampires celebrate then tell him to back the fuck off, and to get the fuck off my radar."

"Why don't you tell him yourself."

Nikky turns his head to see Ravyn with Megan, He gets off Midnight who has been knocked out by lack of blood going to her head and airflow. He has a wild look in his eyes as fast as he cracked Midnight he cracks Megan in the face with the chair hitting Ravyn on the backswing.

"Well, well Raven (he says with a lot of emphasis on the E) seems that this time I've got the upper hand, and you want to know the difference between what you did a half an hour ago and now...I've got your family, something that is more dear to you than life itself. Let me ask you something Raven (once again with the emphasis on the E), what would you do if I finished off Midnight right now, what if I finished off your precious daughter and I forced you to watch? What would you do?"

Raven driven by the anger that Nikky had just created got up and tries to hit Nikky but missed and gets hit by the chair shot right to the face. Once again he gets up this time grabbing the chair and tossing it across the room and tries to hit him with a powerful right hand which misses and hits the wall creating a hole in it. The wall was made of drywall and insulation so it didn't hurt but got his hand trapped in it allowing Nikky to hit him sevral times in the ribs with the barbed-wire bat. Ravenna gets up and jumps on Nikkys back causing him to fall backward and onto the concrete floor, knocking the wind out of Ravenna. Nikky just gets up and cracks her in the ribs with the bat, then moves toward Ravyn.

"You know what makes me better than you, Raven? The fact that I don't need cheapshots to defeat an opponent, I don't need these weapons either but they were nice to even the playing field, but that's it. Last question before you faint Raven. What will you do when you fall to the Hell's Gates and I don't save you?"

Ravyn slowly faints as his hand finally gets out of the hole. Nikky looks around proud at what carnage he created. Midnight choked out and beaten, Megan (or Ravenna take your pick) beaten to a bloody pulp and knocked out, finally Ravyn beaten so badly that this tough as hell motherfucking bad ass is knock out cold. Nikky has never done so much in one night. He heads for the door when he remembers something and approaches Ravyn.

"Oh yeah, Merry Christmas Bitch!"

He starts to hawk and spits on Ravyn's shoe leaving a big green blob sliding down them. After that he walks out the down and rigs the lock to it won't unlock from the inside. 
TBC: DSS or Ravyn in the morning time. NO NIGHT ASSUALTS *midnight* Actually read this!!!!

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