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Time For Extreme! (Sandman promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 06, 2023, 09:43:58 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:01-10-2010 5:21 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to a scene outside the R & R Sportsplex to a scene picturing none other then the The Hardcore Icon... the Sandman and he is smoking a cigarette.

The camera zooms in for a close up...The Sandman speaks...

Sandman: Four years, four long years since I've been in SEF. Four years since I left for that cluster fuck that Vince McMahon called "ECW". Four years since I was screwed out of the SEF World Heavyweight Championship. Four years since New Jack and I held the SEF World Tag Team Championship. Four years since I was the first ever SEF King of the Cage Champion! But after four years, Vince McMahon and the WWE, and being arrested, I've finally comeback to SEF.

Sandman: ... (The Sandman takes a drag of his cigarette)

Sandman: I can't wait to step into the SEF ring for the first time in four years, this Wednesday night. I was set on reclaiming what was stolen from me by Daddy Mack, Mack, or whatever he calls himself these days. But since he currently doesn't have what I want, and has a prior engagement with someone else, I'll settle right now for a guy called Emmett Murdock.

(The Sandman pauses, and takes a drag of his cigarette)

Sandman: Emmett Murdock, you joined SEF, so you should know that SEF is where the hardcore go. SEF is where things get taken to the Extreme! Last Wednesday night, I gave you just a taste of what it means to be hardcore. I showed you that anything and everything can and will happen here in the SEF.

Sandman: This Wednesday night on Extreme, your stepping in the ring with a living legend. Your going against me in a Hardcore Match. I don't know about you, but I look forward to having a good fight, and possibly even having the match of the night. I look forward...to getting hardcore!

Sandman: Forget about Mack. Forget about Gabriel and some Spiderman wannabe. Forget about Triple Threat Matches. Just focus on you and me. Focus on the blood that will be split this coming Extreme. Focus on what I did to you last week, when I cracked you over the head repeatably with my Singapore cane.

(Sandman pauses and takes another drag of his cigarette)

Sandman: People want to talk about hardcore, people want to talk about getting extreme, well t
his Wednesday night Emmett Murdock, I'm going to take you to the extreme. I'm going to show you part of what the real ECW was all about, I'm going to show you what SEF is all about, and most importantly...I'm going to show you why they call me The Hardcore Icon.

Sandman: Emmett Murdock... (Sandman takes another drag of his cigarette, and tosses the butt on the ground)

Sandman: Emmett Murdock... I am the Sandman, and I approve this message.

The camera then zooms out and watches as The Sandman walks away from the R & R Sportsplex, gets in his rental car and drives away. The camera fades out into blackness...

TBC by: Nobody!

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