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' Boston's Best ' Bobby James Takes Notice

Started by Bobby James, April 06, 2023, 09:52:29 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:01-11-2010 3:52 PMCopy HTML

{{ Sometimes it's  hard to step back into the spotlight, other times people may not think you have what it takes anymore or that you've just given up.  That you've lost your desire to compete and the distant memories of former glories fade out of existence.  For the truly strong, for the truly deserving ones who never gave up and for those who want to bring forth that passion to everything they do.  There comes a man who wants to do just that.  And with that should have it he has now chosen The SEF as his new stomping grounds.  The narration concludes as standing against a white wall in a hallway somewhere backstage is a man in his late twenties wearing a quarter length sleeve AC/DC t-shirt , black sunglasses and a pair of faded jeans.  Bringing his hands up a bit he moves his faux hawk into perfect position before sighing contentedly while smiling confidently.  }}

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Ahhh finally the camera is where it belongs dead center upon the gorgeousness that is me.  See I will be the saving grace for The SEF. 
You see no one here has the abilities , the charisma and the overall appeal that is Bobby James.  Not Mack , Nikky Venom , Chris Orton , The Sandman but I digress because the point is I'm here to improve upon the quality not quantity.

{{ Bouncing off of the wall James looks down the hall to the left and then down to the right as he shakes his head. }}

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Well I didn't come here to settle.  I didn't come here to rest.  I came here for a fight and that's what I'm gonna have.  But don't think I've come empty handed.  Oh no don't do yourself that injustice.  See Bobby James has come prepared.  Because whoever decides that they have a margin of what I have and want to take a chance to become part of my ring artistry give me notice Because When Its All Said And Done I'll Have Won And They'll Be Done.  And That's A Fact!

{{ With that said " Boston's Best " leans back against the wall sneering contentedly as the scene fades out. }}

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