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Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 09:58:16 PM

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Date Posted:01-12-2010 12:05 AMCopy HTML

Midnight had proven to Mack that she's no push over as well. She proved to him that she wanted something that he was going to try to obtain and that didn't fair well with her. She wanted the heavyweight gold and she would knock him out of the picture if it meant ending his career. But the business she had to deal with was to let her daughter Ravenna know she was never alone. Midnight also has some surprises for the rest of the newbs that came into the federation. They was going to meet Midnight face to face,and that was not good news to them at all.

Midnight was hidden within the shadows of the night,surrounded by her clan,Dark Shadow Society, and talking to them privately about plans to turn SEF upside down. Her plans was already unfolding and she was about to get two steps ahead of Mack and show him she meant business. A voice spoke up as Midnight listened on,tuning her attention to them.

???: Mistress...I think it's time that he returns to the ring and makes his presences known for good. You know he wants revenge and you know he will listen to only you. Why don't you enlist him?

Midnight: Because it's not time. You see...we have to do things in a timely fashion, otherwise Mack will not see that we are serious about the takeover. Patiences my child...we will soon dominate and control SEF. I already have things in motion. First things first, my daughter needs to known that she is never alone. The bullshit that Venom boy is spewing is trying to mess her mind up. Bethany was not her family, and she needs to realize that Bethany was nothing but fake all the way around. Anyways...you all know what to do..I want Diamond Dogg, and the rest of the roster to know DSS controls all. I want you to make them learn their place in SEF. GO NOW!

---Hours later---

Spiderman,Diamond Dogg,The Sandman,and the rest of the roster except for Gabriel was put on notice by way of beatdowns. Where ever they was, DSS had sent them all a message. Gabriel was spared due to the fact that DSS respected him and knew he was a great ally to them. Besides, Gabriel was going to beat Mack on Extreme and the whole DSS clan was going to watch it happen.

Midnight tacked a letter to Ravenna's bag and then disappeared into the night as the scene fades out.



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Date Posted:01-12-2010 4:25 PMCopy HTML

Megan smothered a yawn as she finished getting ready to head to the R & R Sportsplex. She rubbed her eyes before pulling on her boots. It was cold out and Megan wasn't about to take a chance of getting sick. SHe pulled on her black and red trenchcoat before reaching for her bag. SHe noticed a letter tacked to it. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the letter off. Megan opened it and began to read.

TBC: Midnight
OCC:You need to let me know what the letter says next time, darling.


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Date Posted:01-12-2010 8:28 PMCopy HTML

Dear Ravenna,
I know you think I left you alone, but the fact is, I have to take care of business with the clan as I am their leader. Family comes before wrestling in our linage, but do not fall prey to Venom's trickery. I realize that your old enough to make your decisions, but be careful my lovely daughter, he has a side of him that you do not want to be around. I can't stop you from dating him, if that is what your choice is, but be weary of his tactics as he might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.


PS. Your father want you to call him as he wants to know if you want to spend time with him in Romania. Call him and let him know so he can plan the trip. He wants to show you the home country you was born in.

Megan just sighed at the letter before texting her mom.

Mom, I'm going to trust Nikky. You judged him too quickly. And I don't know dad's number so I can't call him.

Megan grabbed her things and headed for the R & R Sportsplex. She threw her bag into the backseat before driving off.


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Date Posted:01-12-2010 9:14 PMCopy HTML

As Ravenna was driving, her cellphone rang. She pushed the button on the phone and began talking.

Ravenna: Hello?

Her father was on the other end in a good mood.

Ravyn: Hey Pumpkin! How you doing?

Ravenna: I'm good father. What's up?

Ravyn: Wondering when we can meet up. Would like to take my favorite middle daughter out to Romania and show her the home country she's from. I also want to introduce you to someone special I think has been wanting to meet you since you was born.

Ravenna: Not sure father. I got a match to wrestle in come Extreme and I need to focus on that. Can we meet after that?

Ravyn: Sure. I understand your mother is being a bit protective towards you?

Ravenna: Yeah. She is worried that Nikky going to use me and then treat me like shit. I'm a big girl father...you know that.

Ravyn: Well pumpkin, your mother is scared of losing you. She feel awful because she and I found you in some strangers hands and we played hell getting you tracked down. Plus your mother is worried that Nikky might be trying to go thru you to get to our clan to worm his way to be a part of it. Just try to understand your mother more. Be patient ok pumpkin? Your mother loves you lots and wants what is best for you. Now me on the other hand, all I care about is if he tries to hurt you outside the wrestling business..you know personal life wise. Then he will have to deal with me. Just saying. Oh and save the number on your caller ID. It's my contact number pumpkin.


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