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An Interview To Remember (Sandman promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 06, 2023, 10:07:23 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:01-13-2010 12:05 AMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to a scene of The Sandman. He is seen walking backstage in the R & R Sportsplex, when he runs into Smokey McWeed. Smokey appears to have a microphone, and looks to interview The Sandman. Sandman to no-ones surprise, is carrying an entire 24 pack in hand, or rather what's left of it. Sandman appears to be three sheets to the wind, as he has obviously been drinking heavily all day.

Smokey: Hey Sandman, can we talk?

Sandman: Whut?

Smokey: Can we talk?

(laughing) Sure...

Sandman seems to be a little off balance.

Smokey: So Sandman, what do you think about what Emmett Murdock had to say about you, and your upcoming Hardcore Match tomorrow night on Extreme?

Sandman: Wow, wow, wow... slow down there guy.

Sandman reaches into the 24 pack, and pulls out a beer. He cracks open the beer, and takes a swig.

Smokey rolls his eyes.

Sandman: Yeah, ya see... there's this guy called Emmett Murdock, and he's been talking trash all day. The Sandman likes that ya see. It'll make tomorrow's fight so much better. Tomorrow, we'll see what Em... Emmett Murdock can do. We'll see if Emmett Murdock has what it takes to fight with The Sandman. We'll see if he's just all talk or not. The Sandman doesn't take prisoners, as I've always said. So Emmett had best be ready for tomorrow.

Sandman takes another swig of the beer, and then drops the empty can to the ground.

Sandman: You say, that my stick doesn't count for anything? Well... we'll see what you have to say about that tomorrow. Remember it's a Hardcore Match. It's anything goes. And we'll... see what... tune your singing after I cane the crap out of you. You say, that I'm washed up? Maybe so... but I still got enough in me to kick your ass. And I'm going to do that tomorrow night. The Sandman didn't comeback to SEF just to be run out by some young punk, who's never been to the big leagues before. Especially not on his first night back. No... no Emmett Murdock, tomorrow is the night of The Sandman.

Sandman pulls out another beer from the case. He then pops the can open, and takes a swig.

Sandman: You say this isn't the eighties or the nineties? Well your right and your wrong. I made my debut in 1992. So scratch out the eighties. And in my time, I've wrestled for the real ECW. As well as FMW, WCW, XPW, MLW, NWA:TNA, 3PW, and WWE. While you were still counting your pubes, I was already counting Championships in ECW. World Heavyweight Champions at that. I was wrestling in different countries, and I had my own construction business. So... talk crap about Sandman all ya want, but the truth is that you are in no position to mock me at all.

Sandman laughs and takes another swig of his beer.

Sandman: You say me being drunk is trivial? You say that I'm not a role model to anyone? Well I... disagree... I am too a role model. I'm a role model to redneck children everywhere. (Sandman laughs) I can't tell ya how many people have come up to me at different points in time and asked for my autograph, and then tell me how much they want to be just like The Sandman.

Sandman takes another swig of his beer. He empties it and crushes it in hand, before dropping it to the ground.

Sandman: You criticize me as being fake? Comparing me to Doink the Clown? Well my boy, let me tell you something. What you see in the ring, is no different from who I am outside the ring, I'll have you know. Take away the name Sandman, take away the cane and entrance music, and I'm still the same. I'm proud of my arrest record. Do you even have one? (Sandman laughs)

Smokey rolls his eyes to Sandman's obviously worsening condition.

Sandman: You say, that I'm walking on a razors edge? That tomorrow, I'm going to get cut? Alright... we'll see. I promise that I won't be the only one bleeding. It's a Hardcore Match. If you think I'll let you walk away without any pain or loss of blood, well... your serio... your mistaken. You can ask Mack what happens to people who step into the ring with me. You can ask him all about our Best of 7 series back in... in... 2005.

Sandman: You say that your here for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship? Haha, well get in line, cause I'm ahead of you. Besides, I've already been SEF World Heavyweight Champion, as well as a five time ECW World Heavyweight Champion. How many world titles do you have to show for? You tell me, that ECW is dead, and that I should stop clinging to it? Well, no, it's not deadIt still lives on through me, and all the other ECW originals. It lives on through the fans, and through SEF. You may count it as such, but that shit that Vince McMahon shows on the SyFy network, or whatever is ECW only in name. The real ECW broke all the rules, and paved the way for the WWE and WCW. It paved the way for people like Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam and the Dudley Boyz. It paved the way for the nWo and Degeneration X. And without ECW, we'd wouldn't of had a Hell In The Cell Match, and see Mick Foley crashing through an announcers table from twenty feet up.

Sandman: The Sandman isn't dying. ECW isn't dead. But I'll be your initiation alright. Just not in the way, your going to like.

Sandman reaches into the 24 pack, and takes out another beer. He pops it open and takes a huge swig of beer. Sandman spews beer out and all over the place. With a mighty yell, he then smashes the can against his forehead, drawing blood.

Sandman then looks to Smokey McWeed, then the camera.

Sandman: (grins) I am The Sandman, and I approve this message.

Sandman then's walks off, only to stumble along the way. As the camera follows him, we see Sandman reaching into the 24 Pack for yet another beer.

Smokey McWeed however looks into the camera and speaks...

Smokey: Well ladies and gentleman, there you have it. Strong words, from a very heavily intoxicated Sandman.

The camera then begins to fade into blackness, as Smokey McWeed walks off.

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