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universal6 star tag team

Tag Team Glory

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 10:33:05 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:01-18-2010 9:41 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:V for Venom
OOC message:
Smokey Mcweed was in the back, high as a kite, and sees Nikky Venom. Naturally, he goes over to interview him, since, well, that's his job.

"Nikky, hi. I'm here with my little mic and...Today's letter is 0 and is brought to you by the number O!"

"What the hell? Damn you must be on some wack shit dude."

"I'm a tickle me Elmo! He he he!"

"Whatev' I'm just gonna use this as airtime. Give me that mic."

He grabs the mic from Smokey.

"Doub CC. You guy seem to be pretty cool and I can't blame you for trashing both myself and Camaro, since that's what we're here to do. That and fight our asses off to put on a good show. So I'm not going to shit all over what you guys just said, really I don't care. But I'm here to do 3 things: 1)Win titles, 2)Get over 3)Win. I've already done all three but each victory brought me no challange. Whatev', now I have the chance to fight people actually worthy of fighting me. I'm not here to put you over here so let's talk trash."

"I think I the boxes are on fire...I think you're on fire...OH DAMN I'M ON FIRE! AHHHHH!!!"

Nikky just stands there waiting for Smokey to shut up, yet still has a smile on his face because it's funny.

"You need some help?"

"YA, I'M ON FIRE!!!!!!"

"Doub CC, let's talk trash, if we don't the build up and the hype will be pathetic. I could go over how we are evenly matched, but if you think about it there are handicaps, and too many of them are against you. Check out these handicaps: 1)You guys are title hungry, 2)Johnny has a hunger for a win, 3) I need competition and win, 4)We're title hungry. I could list them all off but it would be boring, stop having a boring promo, stop having a boring life. You may have dreamed for years of holding the SEF Tag Titles since your return, and no doubt you brought the tag team picture back to SEF, but that doesn't mean you get a free ride past us. We will win because we have to, I have a goal to win every title in SEF and the tag titles are just another barrier. If you want the titles you can have them, just let me hold them first. Let me get my second title on the path.
TBC: Anyone

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