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Tisk, tisk Mack.

Started by Dante Davlin, April 06, 2023, 10:42:50 PM

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Dante Davlin

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:3
  • Posts:3
  • From:USA 
  • Register:05/01/2010 5:47 AM
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Date Posted:20/01/2010 12:36 PMCopy HTML
[Fade in to the scene of an elegant restaurant. Before you is a finely made wooden table with a nearly perfect finish, an already eaten plate of pasta and sitting at the table.. is Dante Davlin. Adorned in an expensive suit and wiping his mouth with a napkin. Before he acknowledges the camera, he picks up a full glass of red wine and slowly sips from it.]

Dante: Romanée Conti. Sophisticated, intriguing.. but most of all, it's indulging.

[A sly smirk across his face as he places the glass back on the table and pauses for a brief moment to allow those listening to reflect on those words.]

Mack, that's something you never were. You see, I can read you like a book, my friend. To indulge in something is to follow one's will. It's to allow yourself to be one with it. You've been nothing but a fraud since the day you passed through those revolving doors and first stepped foot into the squared circle.

[Davlin leans back in his seat, comfortably.]

Regardless of how well you may perform and which athletes may wish they were you, you're pretending to be the exact opposite of who you truly are. Who you always were. You'd like to be thought of as an outlaw.. a renegade.. and a rebel. In reality, all three of those classes of people have one thing in common, Mack. They work against a higher authority.

[A waiter walks into scene and lays a check down on the table. Davlin glances at him once and shoes him away, motioning with his hand.]

They rebel against a system. However, you've had ties with upper management ever since you've gotten here, haven't you? You were the higher authority. You ran the system. All the pot smoking, cursing, leather jackets and bandannas in the world can't cover up the fact that you're just a suit trying to pretend like he's something different. In some psychological malfunction, you've created this alternate persona where you're going to war with who you truly are. That's unfortunate.

[Davlin chuckles a little to himself as he picks the glass of wine back up and takes another sip, closing his eyes to enjoy the taste.]

I couldn't be more at ease with who I am, Mack. I'll wear the suit, drink the wine, have a maid cleaning every inch of my mansion.. and I'm good with that. Not because I earned it all, but because I deserve it all. I let Nikky Venom slip out of my grip. I realized he was a tadpole and there are bigger fish for me to catch.. so I released him. Do you really think I needed his title? I have more gold in some of my furniture than he wears around his waist. Defeating Nikky may create a stir in the locker rooms or mean something to the fans, but it doesn't put a sense of accomplishment in the back of my mind, Mack. For that, I'll defeat you.

[Fade out.]

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