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Tag Team Match pt. 2 (Diamond Dogg Promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 06, 2023, 11:00:39 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 2:44 PMCopy HTML

A camera cuts to a shot of Diamond Dogg standing outside a barn, on a farm outside of Memphis, Tennessee. Horses can be heard inside the barn. It appears to be about 2:10AM in the morning.

As the camera zooms in, Diamond Dogg speaks.

DD: So, Diamond Dogg is a wigger huh Emmett Murdock? Diamond Dogg is NOT a wigger! Diamond Dogg doesn't smoke talk black. Nor does Diamond Dogg wear jewelry! Nor does Diamond Dogg roll around on giants rims. Diamond Dogg is his own person. Because Diamond Dogg uses naughty language, that makes Diamond Dogg a wigger? Diamond Dogg don't think so.

DD: And how is Diamond a Stone Cold knock-off? Diamond Dogg doesn't beat his wife, but then again Diamond Dogg doesn't have, need or want a wife. Diamond can get all he needs from other people's wives. Diamond Dogg has more fun when he beats other people's wives.

DD: You know Emmett, Diamond Dogg used to fuck punks like you in the ass while in prison. Perhaps after Extreme, Diamond will fuck you in the ass, and show the world how much you really love it? Perhaps we can include into the mix, some street whore Diamond Dogg picked up earlier today. She ain't much to look at, and she's missing her front teeth and an eye, but she still gives good head. Can you give good head Emmett Murdock?

DD: Emmett Murdock, you Diamond Dogg talks too much shit? Well... Diamond Dogg can't fault you there. Diamond Dogg sure loves to talk shit. It's one of Diamond Dogg's hobbies besides breaking onto farms and having a good time with the... local horses. Have you ever tasted horse pussy Murdock? Diamond Dogg thinks NOT! It's so delicious and nutritious! Diamond Dogg might just ride into the SEF arena today on a horse. Who needs a car?

Diamond Dogg then walks into the barn. He walks up to a stable containing a beautiful all white mare. The mare is a sure thing of beauty. Diamond Dogg begins to slowly stroke the mares head.

DD: See, this little lady and Diamond Dogg have been going steady since he got to Memphis. Diamond Dogg and this little lady might just get engaged some day. Diamond Dogg just love the way shes backs it up when we make love. God Diamond loves her so much. Her name is Becky.

DD: Must enough fun right now. Diamond Dogg is going to be at Extreme later today, and Diamond Dogg is going to finish what he started yesterday with Sandman. Sandman, how did you like it when Diamond Dogg punched you in the face? Did you like having Diamond Dogg run your head into the wall? Or did you more like having Diamond Dogg lock on the Beast Choker? Diamond Dogg intends to finish what Diamond Dogg started. Diamond Dogg and Bobby James will win tonight.

DD: Diamond Dogg doubts your team can win with only one good man. With you in no condition to fight after yesterday Sandman, little boy Murdock is out numbered. Murdock doesn't have a chance. Sandman, as much as Diamond Dogg respects your previous accomplishments, that fact is that your time is done. The Sandman must die! This coming Wednesday, you are gone from SEF. Diamond Dogg is king of SEF! Diamond Dogg is KING!

Diamond Dogg then starts walking towards the back of the horse known as Becky. As he does, he strokes the horses back and flanks. Diamond Dogg coos sweet words of love to Becky.

DD: I'm done with you camera guy. Get out of here! Me and Becky got some loving to do.

As the camera man begins to walk backwards out of the barn, the camera fades into blackness. But as it does, we see Diamond Dogg placing a step ladder behind Becky. The camera then fades out all together.

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