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Time For Revenge! (Sandman promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 06, 2023, 11:01:53 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 3:53 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to reveal a shot of The Sandman sitting in a locker room in the Mid South Coliseum. Sandman has a large bandage over his forehead. Needless to say, that after yesterdays attack by Diamond Dogg, Sandman is not a happy camper.

The camera zooms in for a close up, and The Sandman speaks.

Sandman: So Diamond Dogg, you think your cool attacking me? You think it's cool sucker punching me, and then driving my head into a wall? You think it's cool to put me in the Beast Choker? Alright, I'll show you whats cool tonight on Extreme when Sandman and Emmett Murdock beat you and "Bostons Best" Bobby James and advance in this tag team tournament. I'll show you what is really cool, when you turn out to be the one with the kendo stick jammed up your ass. I promise you'll need a doctor to remove it.

Sandman: And what is up with you and horses, old skanky hookers, and wanting to fuck Murdock? I'm getting the impression you should have remained in prison, or perhaps been relocated to the funny farm. Diamond Dogg, you can claim you love Becky all you want, but how could you fuck some old hooker? Would none the the younger girls give you the time of day? 
(Sandman chuckles) And what is up with you and wanting to fuck Murdock? Well, not that I have anything against gays or bis, but I think that speaks very poorly of your taste in potential dates, when you want to get together with Murdock. Couldn't you have found someone better to play with?

Sandman pauses, and reaches over onto a nearby chair. He reaches for a pack of cigarettes and lighter. He pulls out a cigarette, and picks up the lighter. He then puts the cigarette in his mouth, and lights it with the lighter. Sandman takes a heavy drag of the cigarette, before exhaling. He then puts the lighter back down on the chair.

Sandman: Diamond Dogg, if you think I won't or can't fight tonight, then you really are crazy. I will be at Extreme, and Emmett Murdock and I will win. After tonight, I'll be one step closer to SEF gold again, and you'll be on a trip to the ER with my kendo stick jammed in your ass, and your face crushed in as payback. You may think it's funny, but I don't think so. I think your a pussy for what you did to me. Sandman will have his revenge.

Sandman takes a drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke blow out of his nose as he exhales.

Sandman: Emmett Murdock, I don't much like you, and I know you damn sure don't like me. But as you said, we can a common purpose. If we work together, we can beat these chumps Diamond Dogg and Bobby James. We'll show em why we are the better men. And I'll certainly show Diamond Dogg why I am The Hardcore Icon. But make no mistake Murdock, after tonight, you and I will clash again. As I've said, it's not over between you and me. Not by a long shot.

Sandman: Bobby James, certainly I am past my prime, but I still got plenty of fight left in me. You say that nobody cares about The Sandman? Not anyone that cares anyway right? How wrong you are. You and Murdock, and so many other young guys like to talk shit about how I'm a has been and how my best years which were ECW don't mean much? Well you and others like you couldn't be more wrong. For one thing, I may be a has been, but you Bobby James are a never was and a never will be.

Sandman: My best years are indeed gone, ECW was my prime. But ECW was about more then just a bingo hall. ECW held shows in much larger arenas. Then there's wrestling in front of tens of thousands of fans in Japan, plus thousands of more in WCW and WWE. I've been to the top, and been part of the best. But you'll never make it past SEF. SEF is the final stop for guys like you. There will be no big pay check for you ever. And whats more, at least I can say I own my own business. I've owned my own construction company, and I currently own a bar. What do you have Bobby James? I still wrestle not because I need a pay check, but because I like to, and the fans still want Sandman.

Sandman pauses, and takes another drag of his cigarette, before exhaling.

Sandman: Bobby James, after the behavior Diamond Dogg has shown these past couple of days, and his preferences, I'd think that you have more to worry about then just me and Murdock. If your not careful, Bostons Best might just become Diamond Dogg's bitch. I for one, would rather tag with Murdock any day then have to tag with some crazy shit like Diamond Dogg. Murdock and I may not trust each other, but you must be crazy if you think you can trust some psycho rapist like Diamond Dogg.

Sandman finishes his cigarette, and throws it to the ground. He then looks into the camera.

Sandman: Bobby James, Diamond Dogg... I am The Sandman, and I approve this message.

The camera then begins to fade into blackness. As the camera does, we see Sandman reach down next to his leg and pull out a beer from what appears to be a 24 pack. As the camera fades out, we hear Sandman opening the beer, and its contents exploding like a volcano all over Sandman's hand and the floor. Then nothing but darkness...

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