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Extreme Promo - Johnny Camaro

Started by Bobby James, April 06, 2023, 11:03:00 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 6:01 PMCopy HTML

Bobby James can be seen sitting alone in the dressing room tightly lacing up his wrestling boots while he pulls a blue muscle t-shirt with black lettering reading " Boston's Best ' on the front.  Turning to pick up his Boston Red Sox hat it can be seen that on the back of the shirt reads in black lettering Bobby James with a number 77 above Bobby and a 4 above James.  Both numbers representing Boston Bruin's greats Ray Borque and Bobby Orr respectively.  Snugly fitting the hat over his head he lightly smirks to himself as he switches on the 42 inch flat screen.  On the television he can see the Sandman who is talking about his upcoming tag match against Bobby James and Diamond Dogg.  Some of the remarks Sandman made caused Bobby to laugh and nod in agreement but also shake his head in disapproval.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- That's right Sandman.  I may not be able to trust Diamond Dogg and I may have to have my guard up or maybe just maybe he has targeted you for some odd reason.  Reasons only he may understand.  Maybe he doesn't understand it himself either.  But I'll have his back as long as hes got mine and in the end the only thing that will matter is the simple fact that both me and him will advance in the tournament.  Not about him screwing haggard hookers and farm animals.  Just that we took out you and Murdock.  It doesn't matter how you come at me just come at me as you so elegantly put with your drunken ranting I am a never was.  And you are a has-been.  Well that's not true.  I was a three time World Champion in The OWE , two times I held The Intercontinental Championship as well as The Tag Titles with my partner Steve Weigel and a one time run as United States Champion.  Sure you held the ECW Championship a few times but just like you said I'm not impressed.  So you wrestled in Japan.  A lot of people wrestled in Japan that couldn't quite cut it here in the states.   People like Stan Hansen , Dr. Death and Bruiser Brody who couldn't quite make it to the top over here.  They made a decent living in a foreign country.  Others included teams like Cactus Jack and Terry Funk made a name over there and over here.  But those men are wrestling legends and you are not.  Hell even teams like The British Bulldogs and The Road Warriors were wrestling gods over there.  Heck Goldberg wrestled in Japan.  What's that saying Sandman?  Are you as talentless as a man like Goldberg?  Well maybe your a little more talented then him but only in the way that some people ride the short bus and some peoples parents don't think they need to.  In other words you don't need to be a retard to know that your wrestling skills are at best subpar when compared to mine.

Leaning down to tighten up his boots he smiles a bit.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- See you want another shot at greatness because you like to wrestle as you say and I respect that to a degree.  But just because I respect your willingness to fight when you apparently don't need it that's fine.  But it won't be at my expense.  See I'm shooting for the top.  Not the bottom or middle but right at the top.  Once I'm done with all of these tag team shenanigans it will be onward and upward for me because I'm A Predator And Everyone Else Is My Prey.

On the television it suddenly switched over to the promo for Johnny Camaro and Bobby James stirs a little interest.  As he coughs for a moment and clears his throat he starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Ha ha.  That was a great comedy I watched another pretty boy who thinks that shiny clothes and a beach body win matches.  See Johnny a body only gets you so far and in wrestling it won't get you very far at all.  Especially looking past me.  That my friend will only bring you down.  See I won and you didn't but you attack me and then don't have the balls to take me on mano a mano.  But that's just what a bitch does right?  You talked about how I can't think of funny nicknames for you and that is because I don't have to.  Actions speak louder than words.  My actions speak volumes.  They speak novels.  They are epic works that you will understand in the future for the true greatness that they are.  And yes Johnny In The End You Will Know Just Why When God Said Bitch You Answered Yes!  But for now I have things to look forward to.

With that said Boston's Best smiles a bit as he pushes himself to his feet and heads out the dressing room door while the camera fades to black.

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