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Triple Threat Promo

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 11:04:22 PM

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 6:05 PMCopy HTML

Mary Jane walks into the ladies' locker room to find Megan coming out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. A smile spreads across Megan's face. She digs through her bag for clothes are Mary Jane speaks, shocked at the smile on Megan's face.

Mary Jane: "Megan, you have a match coming up and it's a triple threat match, yet, you are smiling. What's up?"

Megan: "I'm not scared of either of those two. Gabriel doesn't bother me. Yeah, I'm sure he'll put up a fair fight tonight but that doesn't matter to me. He's a great guy and a good wrestler but he's not worth my time in the ring."

"What about Chris Ortan?"

"What about him?"

"Aren't you worried about him?"

Megan lets out a laugh as she disappears behind a wall with some clothes to get dressed. She returns to the veiw of the camera dressed in a pair of black jeans and a crimson tank top. As she towel dries her hair, she straddles a bench. Mary Jane just stands there, waiting for any answer.

"Chris won't be a challange. He's head won't be in the ring tonight. It will be trying to figure out who attacked him. It's great to have him back at SEF, don't get me wrong but he is being a wimp about this. He was attacked. So what? It happens all the time. He's a big boy. He needs to get over it."

Megan glances up to Mary Jane as she ties her hair back.

"Time for you to go, Mary Jane. I need to relax before my match"

"But, one more question...What is your relationship with Nikky Venom?"

Megan quickly jumps up, shoving Mary Jane and the cameraman out of the room before slamming the door.

TBC: No one
OCC: Sorry, couldn't think of a catchy title

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