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I am Fear(Extreme RP)

Started by Shadow Dragon, April 06, 2023, 11:12:53 PM

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Shadow Dragon

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 10:44 PMCopy HTML

[A shabby, dim lit room.  Deafening silence.  The walls have some sort of filth growing  on them.  The floor is stained, and cracked.  The kind of room you would discover a crime scene in.  The kind of room that makes your mind wander into what sort of horrible things could have happened.  A voice booms in from off camera]

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind....is fear"

The camera whips around, looking for a source of the voice.  Nothing.  It returns to its prior position, to find a dark masked figure standing dead still.  He stands with his shoulders slightly slouched, the eyes on his mask locked onto the camera.  He tilts his head slightly to the left. 

"And I....am Fear."

He straightens his head.

"I must have blinked..or fell unconscious...or maybe left the planet....when wrestlers sported idiotic hairstyles, played guitar, and gave themselves ludicrous nicknames.  I must have just taken a nap when wrestlers became Hot Topic rejects who were too old to hang out in the mall on a Friday night.  Zacky Shadows...right now, since you and your little bitch Angel will be looking across the ring from myself and the SEF's new Angel of Death...I would pay attention...Because I'm making it my personal goal to teach you and rest of the little children in SEF what it means to really walk on the dark side of humanity."

Cracking his neck, this figure begins to pace as he speaks..

"The SEF is filled with what my tag partner calls..Wee...Little...Children.  He couldnt be more correct in his observation of these peons.  And what of my opponents.  Your silence, speaks volumes.  Is it Fear!?  Is it confidence!?  Is it that you don't have time to address the new talent!?  Whatever the answer, whatever the reason...I'm not worried in the least.  See...this is where I need your full attention.  In Japan..Me and Azreal did horrible things to people.  We hurt people.  We scarred people.  We traumatized people.  Its unfortunate that our reputation didn't preceed us, but I guess that just means we'll have to make a new one.  SEF...Take this as your first official verbal notice.  Fear and Death have arrived...The Mercy Killers have found new residence. 

Shadow Dragon lunges forward and pulls the camera down.  The screen goes to static...and then black.

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