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Walking into the past and the start of a new life (Kidnapping and This We.......

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 07, 2023, 01:49:15 AM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

Title: Walking into the past and the start of a new life (Kidnapping and This Weeks Show R/p!
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Date Posted:27/01/2010 7:34 AMCopy HTML

{Steve Weigel} - I never thought I would ever be here again. Standing in these streets I once called home. See along time ago I was in a federation called No Rocks Allowed. That's where I made my big start in this wrestling business. My gimmick was playing a vampire. Some say I have turn my back on that life. But in reality I just grew up. I realized that in this time and age people aren't ready for the truth. The question of all questions is are we alone in this world. There is some who say we are alone and then there is some who say they are walking among us. Hiding in the shadows waiting for the right time to strike. But I know the truth. And today I turn on the ones I used be apart of.

As the camera comes into focus you see a graveyard. The graveyard is dim the only light coming from the full moon from above. Steve is staring down at a grave. He is wearing black dress pants and a black button up silk shirt with the top two buttons undone. You can hear dogs in the background howling and cries coming from people far off.

{Steve Weigel} - Home sweet home! Welcome to Romania. The home of the Vampires.Where you never go out at night. See this grave right here. Its mine! Six years ago I plan my own death and walk away from this life. See this isn't some game you can play. Crossing the ones over you can lead to death. I wanted out. I wanted a normal life where I could be somebody and they wouldn't allow it. So I made it happen. See sometimes you have to make things happen if you want them bad enough. And in SEF there is something I want really badly or someone should I say.

The camera fellows him as he slowly starts to walk out of the graveyard and into the town. Few people are outside but lots of lights are on inside all the houses. Weigel smirks as people look his way in a look of shock. He takes his left hand and starts to rub his chin as he stops in the middle of town. As he stops he turns to a home that all the lights are out.

{Steve Weigel} - Look at them look at me. They know who I am and yet can't believe I'm standing here. This old piece of shit in front of me used to be called my home. These were my streets. This was my hunting grounds. Now look at it. A shame how things turn out for the worst when you leave. Vampires no longer have respect. They do what they please and feed when they want too. What happen to the code. Your better? Yeah right without them you die because where are you going to find food? You guys are aminal's now. Nothing more and nothing less. But I know I can save one of you.

Steve turns and looks around like he is looking for something or someone. and then stares into the camera.

{Steve Weigel} - Tomorrow night I'm fighting in my first match in SEF and I know this is off the subject but I need to say a few things first. Then I will get back to this. You ever have that pain in your gut that just wont go away no matter what? You know the one where it hurts and you feel like you need to take a dump? Yeah every time I hear the name of Shadow Dragon I feel that way. Am I the only one? Might just mean I need to use the rest room but oh well. I hope this kid understand what he got himself into when he got a match with me. If I didn't already have it hard enough with Bobby James chasing a guy around and me falling for someone. No I have to face this jobber in a match. The only reason this match made the card and not the dark matches is because Steve Weigel is a big name. Yeah they hate me but I bring them in like Mack's wife brings home a new cock every night. There is much to say about this Dragon guy besides I really do hope he isn't a dragon like barney. Because I'm not that way. No but really its my big day. The first match. The first boo's. Ya go me its my birthday! But there is a couple of things I did want to not joke about. One is the fans. See I have learn one thing and that's the fans can go fuck their self. I don't need them nor do I want them. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is if you win or lose. Not none of the fans. I'm nothing like them. They work at fast food joints and shit like that. I'm better then all the fans of SEF. And Shadow Dragon I'm better then you. See tonight when I'm all done with you. Your going to wish you never step in that ring with me. You will see why they always and I mean always say.... In the end its always "My Suicide" that gets the one... Two..... THREE!!!!

As he stops talking Steve starts to turn around and walk up the street to a big house. The house looks old and creepy. Like something off a scarie movie. Steve begins to smirk as he slowly makes his way through the gates of the house and into the yard. There are bodies laying everywhere of people dead and undead.

{Steve Weigel} - I'm walking into hell for a girl. What the fuck am I doing.

Steve pulls out a phone from his left pants pocket with his right hand. And starts to call someone.

{Bobby James} - Hello Steve.

Steve pauses for a second looking down.

{Steve Weigel} - Bob I need you! I never ask you for help, but I'm doing something wrong and I need help. I can't do this alone. I'm scared.

{Bobby James} - Just slow down and start over. Whats going on.

{Steve Weigel} - I'm home!

{Bobby James} - What did I fucking tell you. Is this over that fucking Vampire girl?

{Steve Weigel} - I can save her. Look at me.

{Bobby James} - And what happens if you lose yourself? Then what? Who's going to be there for you? Me?

{Steve Weigel} - Dude I just have to kidnap her and bring her back without dying or kill anyone.

{Bobby James} - I'm sorry bro but I will not have anything to do with this. If and when you get back that's different. I'm sorry.

{Steve Weigel} - I thought we were The Predators and we hunt our Prey but I guess I was wrong!

Steve throws the phone with a upset look on his face as he goes down to one knee. When he gets up to his feet his eyes are closed.

{Steve Weigel} - Cred ca pentru o noapte se vor intoarce din umbra strica o viata sufletul. Atata timp cat am controlul conduce pentru hrana. Cind un vampir vrea un coleg-Nu vei indrazni pas in felul sau. Asta-seara am sustin ceea ce este al meu sa-si revendice. Ea este de frumoasa ca o seara de iarna cind zapada este acoperita in singe. Asta-seara ea va fi a mea daca ea nu intelege sau nu intotdeauna am obtine ceea ce vreau. Aceasta este mine si asta este ceea ce toata lumea s-a ma impinge sa devina din nou.

({Steve Weigel} - I guess for one night coming back out of the shadows wont hurt a living soul. As long as I control drive for food. When a Vampire wants a mate you dare not step into his way. Tonight I claim what is mine to claim. She is as beautiful as a winter night when the snow is covered in blood. Tonight she will be mine if she realizes it or not I always get what I want. This is me and its what everybody has push me to become again.)

Steve shakes his head and opens his eyes once again.

{Steve Weigel} - NO! Never again will I let you free. I'm in control and I will do it my way.

The camera leaves Steve Weigel and when it comes back into focus you see Megan sleeping. She is laying there peacefully. If you didn't know better you would think she was dead. the room was pretty big and old looking. A big mirror next to the door. A old beautiful looking bed. As the camera turn to the window you see Mr Weigel sneeking in softly to not make a sound. In a second he is standing over her smirking a evil smirk of lust and love.

{Steve Weigel} - I pick you Megan to be my mate and in time you will come to love me.

Steve takes a big black sock out of his pants and puts it in her mouth. She tries to yelled and fight back but Steve starts to cry as he hits her in the head knocking her out cold. Then he puts her on his shoulders and starts out the window as you hear voices coming into the room the scene fades.

Six hours later in the United States.

As the camera comes to all you can see is a candle burning and Steve and Megan sitting next to each other.

{Steve Weigel} - I'm sorry where in my basement but we need a place to lay low for a while. People are looking for us. And tomorrow night they will find me. I'm so sorry I hit you but I needed you to shut up. Anyways I will take that sock out of your mouth if you promise not to yell. I'm not a bad person and again I'm sorry. I was just saving you.

{Megan} - I can smell you. I know what you are. Your a Vampire!

{Steve Weigel} - No your wrong. My evil half was. Yes I was turn ages ago, but I pick to live as a human. I'm no better then the humans are and if anything my past makes me a monster. I live as one and I will also die as one.

{Megan} - Who sent you after me? Went you untie me I'm gong to kill you!

{Steve Weigel} - Then you can sit here until you die. I might live as a human but I will let you die here. I picked you.

{Megan} - For what?

{Steve Weigel} - I wil let you go in due time. If Nikky can beat me in a match I will let you go, but if I win your my mate for life. Until I get that match learn to love it here in my basement and don't worry if they kill me. Well you will die to because if I'm not here by morning time every morning those windows over there are on a timer and will start to go up and remember sunlight isn't so good for us. And I always get what I want.

Steve walks away and she looks at him and yells.

{Megan} - you could have just ask me you know?

{Steve Weigel} - You know I once did that a long time ago and now look at me.

{Megan} - She turn you without asking?

{Steve Weigel} - Who would want to live forever? Surely not me! You know what....

Steve walks right up to her lifts her up and kisses her on the lips softly for a few seconds. Then starts to walk away.

{Steve Weigel} - Things like that remind me why I love being human. You maybe call me what you want, but I'm no longer a monster just a man.

She smirks at Weigel as he walks away and the camera fades away into darkness.

TBC: By me or Bob or Megan ONLY!!!!! (Megan ok the storyline :) )


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Re:Walking into the past and the start of a new life (Kidnapping and This Weeks Show R/p!
Date Posted:27/01/2010 7:39 PMCopy HTML

Megan closes her eyes and fights against her binds. She absolutely hates behind tied down like this. Steve wasn't going to get away with this. Megan finally managed to get the ropes undone before going to look at the blinds and the timers. She laughs softly. Steve really didn't know much about her. She grabbed the wires and tore them out, leaving the blinds up. That was the advantage of behind human with vampiric powers. She spoke softly, not caring if anyone was listening.

"Steve, you are a fool. You know once DSS finds out, they might just side with Nikky. My mother and father will hunt you down personally for taking their daughter from them again. They aren't going to like you. You are going to pay big time for doing this."

Megan yawned, pushing a couch into a dark corner before laying down. She wasn't going to try and escape. She was just going to ride out this storm.

TBC: Bob, Steve, Myself
OCC: Storyline is great.

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:Walking into the past and the start of a new life (Kidnapping and This Weeks Show R/p!
Date Posted:27/01/2010 10:22 PMCopy HTML


Steve was walking down to the basement as the camera comes into focus. He heard some sounds and then listens to Megan talk. He begins to smirk as he opens the door and see her laying on the couch. Steve shuts the door behide him and goes over to the couch and sits next to her.

{Steve Weigel} - I can care less about your family coming after me. Do you not understand me? You were right earlier I'm a vampire. A Monster! A demon who walks the earth in shame of what he is. So I blend in as a human. You think your more powerful then me? don't make me laugh. I will do something your family wont see coming. I will hunt them down one by one like dogs they are. Unless I get what I want. Is it unfair I'm doing this to you? Maybe humans would disagree with me and lock me up for this, but like you said I'm not human. Just a man trying to be human. So I don't know if its right or not but I'm fellowing my heart. And its telling me it wants you. Does that make you hate me? Does that make you hope I get hurt? Should I have just ask you? Would you have said yes? No so I did what I had to do to get you. I'm going to take a shower and I hope your still here when I get back out. Trust is hard for me but everything in my heart is telling me to trust you.

Steve gets up and starts to walk out as the SEF fades to break.

One hour later.....

As the camera comes into view Weigel is stand against a white wall in his bedroom. In the room was a king size bed and one dresser. Next to the dresser was a chest. It was a old looking chest with a big lock on it. When the camera comes back to him you can see he is wearing a towel and his black hair is wet like he just got out of the shower. Steve walks over to the chest and bends over and unlocks it slowly. As he opens it you see pictures and a couple of stakes. He puts the stakes on the bed and picks up a couple of pictures and lays them there too. He then sits down on the bed and looks at them about to cry as Megan walks in. Steve was shock to see her yet he didn't move just look back at the pictures. Megan sat down near him and look at them.

{Megan} - Who is she and the kids?

{Steve Weigel} - My ex wife and kids. See I love being able to feel pain.

{Megan} - Like this!

Megan cocks Steve in the face. Steve just turns away.

{Megan} - You had that coming from hitting me. So what happen between you two?

{Steve Weigel} - She told me if I came back she was leaving and she wasn't joking.

{Megan}- Then why did you come back?

{Steve Weigel} - Because this is my life. I loved her but I also loved this game.

{Megan} - Does she know what you are?

{Steve Weigel} - I never told her. We have two kids together and one day I know I might have to tell her but this isn't the time.

{Megan} - Then let me ask you a few questions and if you anwser then truthfully I will stay without a fight.

{Steve Weigel} - ok shoot away.

{Megan} - Why do you want to be human so badly?

Steve Stare's into her eyes before speaking.

{Steve Weigel} - Because I want to feel like I used to. Before this happen to me. Not saying being a vampire isn't cool but isn't there more to life? Like love or sadness. Sometimes I'm scare I will become that monster I once was. See when I was turn she left me there. Well be a vampire doesn't come with a hand book. I had no one to turn to so I started over. A new life but I was young and foolist. I took lifes like they were candy and it just made me more happier. Until one day I look in the mirror and saw what was looking back at me. After that I realized that I wanted a normal life like I used to have.

{Megan} - Am I really worth all this to you? You don't even know me.

{Steve Weigel} - When I first saw you something happen to me. My evil side wanted to walk up and take you to his bedroom. But my good side said no she is a lady. I know enough to know I have fallen in love with you Megan. And I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. Your family will get over this in time. Plus wont they be happy your with your own kind?

{Megan} - I need time to think about this.

Steve puts his right hand on the left side of her cheek softly and says....

{Steve Weigel} - Shall we, too, rise forgetful from our sleep,

And shall my soul that lies within your hand

Remember nothing, as the blowing sand

Forgets the palm where long blue shadows creep

When winds along the darkened desert sweep?

Or would it still remember, tho' it spanned

A thousand heavens, while the planets fanned

The vacant ether with their voices deep?

Soul of my soul, no word shall be forgot,

Nor yet alone, beloved, shall we see

The desolation of extinguished suns,

Nor fear the void wherethro' our planet runs,

For still together shall we go and not

Fare forth alone to front eternity.

Steve softly give her another kiss but this time on the cheek as the scene fades into darkness.

TBC: ONLY Megan!


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Re:Walking into the past and the start of a new life (Kidnapping and This Weeks Show R/p!
Date Posted:27/01/2010 11:09 PMCopy HTML

TBC: Steve Weigel
Megan felt a tear fall from her eye as she left the room. She couldn't do this. Steve was great but her heart belonged to Nikky. How could she make Steve see that? Not just Steve but her whole family? Megan returned to the basement, laying under the couch. She wanted to hide forever. Nikyk wanted to be her's but so did Steve. Megan closed her eyes, wondering what Bethany would tell her to do.

"Bethany, help me."

Megan sounded like a child. She curled into a ball but only for a moment. She began to search the ouse for a pen and some paper. Once she found some, she began to write a letter to Steve.

You are a great guy but I could never love you. I'm
sorry, but my heart belongs to Nikky. I don't care
what my family thinks. Please understand. But, if you
win the match against Nikky, I guess I have no choice but to be your's.


Megan slid the note under Steve's bedroom door before heading back to the basement. She laid on the couch, falling into a restless sleep.

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