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Extreme RP + Rant (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 06:37:50 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:29/01/2010 10:18 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to a shot of Diamond Dogg. He's standing outside the Civic Coliseum. It's Friday night, and late at night, and the show is long over. Diamond Dogg is holding the XXX International Championship.

"So, Diamond Dogg won the match huh? Well Diamond Dogg said he would win. Diamond Dogg kept his promise. Diamond Dogg is now the new XXX International Champion. Nikky Venom and Gabriel lost and lost hard. Diamond Dogg promised all that he would show Nikky who was the real champion. Diamond Dogg showed the whole world how Nikky wasn't a worthy champion. Again, Diamond Dogg is your new XXX International Champion! Diamond Dogg promises that Nikky Venom will never hold the XXX International Championship again!"

"But now, it's on to Bobby James. So...Bobby James kept bitching and bitching, and now he gets a title shot against Diamond Dogg? What kind of crap is that? Is that how the company is run now? People just piss and moan and then they get a championship match? Is this what the world is coming too? Bobby James deserves a shot at Diamond Dogg's championship just because he had hurt feelings? Fuck Bobby James! Fuck that little bitch! Diamond Dogg will show him how Diamond Dogg deals with bitches. After the show, Diamond Dogg is going to pound his sweet, tight little asshole after the match is over. If Bobby James wants to act like a bitch, well then Diamond Dogg say's he'll get treated like one."

Diamond Dogg pauses, and looks out towards the parking lot. He seems to be staring at nothing.

"Bobby James, you will fear Diamond Dogg forever. You will come to fear Diamond Dogg. Diamond Dogg will soon introduce you to the Beast Choker. Diamond Dogg will not stop until you are destroyed. Diamond Dogg will not rest until your mouth is shut forever. Diamond Dogg cannot forgive your crying over split milk in order to get a shot at Diamond Dogg's championship. Diamond Dogg is your new XXX International Champion. Stop acting like a bitch Bobby James. Your not half the man Diamond Dogg is."

"Diamond Dogg says your not half the man he is, because Diamond Dogg has never pissed and moaned just to get a title shot. Bobby James, it is quite low for you Diamond Dogg thinks. How could you stoop to such lowly, piss ant tactics to get a shot at championship gold? Diamond Dogg will make you hurt bad for this!"

Diamond Dogg pauses again and pulls the International Championship off his shoulder, and holds it in his hands. He seems to be looking very intently at the belt.

"While we're on the subject of this title, what in the hell is up with the new name? No longer is the company XXX? No longer is it Showstoppa's Extreme Federation, but now its EFNW? What does that stand for? Diamond Dogg asks...does it stand for Extreme Faggot Nation Wrestling?! Diamond Dogg says that the person who thought up that name change should be taken out back, brutally raped, and then shot. Diamond Dogg refuses to represent the EFNW. Diamond Dogg represents the XXX. Because Diamond Dogg will not represent EFNW, Diamond Dogg will not hold one of it's championship belts! Diamond Dogg is the XXX International Champion! NOT the EFNW International Champion!"

Diamond Dogg then takes the International Championship and lifts it into the air. Looking at it, Diamond Dogg then throws the title into a nearby garbage can. He then pulls out some lighter fluid, and squeezes it all into the trash can. Diamond Dogg then lights a match, and sets the inside of the trash can on fire.

"Diamond Dogg will NOT represent a corrupt regime. Diamond Dogg will not represent EFNW! Diamond Dogg however will represent the XXX! From this day onwards, Diamond Dogg is no longer the International Champion, but instead, from now on...Diamond Dogg is the XXX Iron Man Champion! Yes Diamond Dogg is your new XXX Iron Man Champion, and Diamond Dogg will only defend it in brutal Iron Man Matches. As XXX's Iron Man Champion, Diamond Dogg will see XXX back to his glory! Fuck EFNW! Fuck Richard E. Dangerously!"

"Richard, Diamond Dogg is coming for you! Diamond Dogg will not accept your tyranny! This is XXX! NOT EFNW! Things were much better before your pussy ass showed up! Diamond Dogg won't stop until your removed from the company. Diamond Dogg will not let you ruin XXX! Your Extreme Faggot Nation Wrestling can't last forever! To hell with you!"

"Diamond Dogg says this promo is over!"

The camera then begins to fade into darkness, and as it does, we see the garbage can with the XXX/EFNW International Championship burning.

Fade out...

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