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Mark your calendars.

Started by Drew Stevenson, April 07, 2023, 06:47:32 PM

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Drew Stevenson

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Date Posted:30/01/2010 6:18 AMCopy HTML

Drew-3.png picture by AngelicaNight
"January 30th, 2010. Mark it on your calendars everybody because this is truly a historical day as E... F... W... Has come to a contractual agreement with yours truly, Drew Stevenson."

The crowd erupted as there in the center of an EFW ring stood Drew Stevenson sporting an Armani suit, Oakley sunglasses and had his short black hair wetted back. He had the microphone lowered down to his side as he nodded his head and brought it back up in-order to continue speaking.

"You know something; I have traveled all around the world. From promotions based out of Chicago, to Vegas, to Japan and even from right here in Michigan."

Drew pointed down at the canvas as the fans erupted into cheers once again. He was quick to continue however as he had things to say.

"I have competed everywhere and some might even go as far to say that I have pretty much accomplished everything in this industry but those people would be wrong. You see; while I do indeed have quite a few accolades under my belt, I sat at home in Missouri and I tuned in to SEF Programming back then while cuddling with my lovely wife. I knew that there was something special regarding this very company but unfortunately; nothing ever happened bringing me here until now..."

Drew held up his finger as everybody was cheering.

"... I look at the men and women in the back and I see a lot of familiar faces yet a lot of unfamiliar faces as well. However; the one thing that I most certainly see is talent. This company has so much talent that it is quite mind boggling as to why it hasn't been publicized on a much bigger stage, a much grander stage if you will. So as I stand here right now, I look around and see a lot of wonderful fans just eagerly awaiting to see Drew Stevenson step into this very ring to compete and the big question running through all of your minds is when Drew? Well my friends, mark your calendars... February 7th, 2010, Crossing the line..."

The camera slowly and dramatically panned in on Drew's face. He stared directly into the camera as he spoke out again.

"... I will be your surprise entry into the F'N rumble and I WILL be walking out heading to Wrestle X to fight for the E... F... W... Heavyweight Championship... Bank on that."

As Drew lowered the microphone down to his side once again, the fans went ballistic starting up a 'Steve-n-son' chant which thundered throughout the arena. He stood there in the center of the ring just looking around as these terrific EFW fans made him feel right at home.

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