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Going Through Hell To Get To Heaven

Started by NBD, April 07, 2023, 06:49:05 PM

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Date Posted:31/01/2010 12:34 AMCopy HTML

Obviously Mack is not a wanted man by the eyes of the sole owner of the company now known as EF'NW, but even he knows without Mack it won't be able to be what it has become. He needs Mack, they want Mack, and without Mack, the company will not flow as has been proven in the past when Mack tried to take a break. Everyone takes them, even Mack, nothing wrong with it. But Mack ain't going nowhere, his ass is stuck in whatever ya wanna call this company now, EF'NW!
Its what its always been and its what Mack made it and thus made himself, a two way street. Mack is set to go one on one for the World Heavyweight Title at Crossing The Line, Chris Orton is the champ, but will he be much longer? Most feel no, most consider him the underdog and that could be bad for Mack, but how doe she view Chris Orton matters as well.
"Got more fish to fry before that!"
On the way to that match is another match, just four days before on Extreme Mack goes against four people, all who want to make themselves sat his expense, so yes, it is true.
"Its like going through hell to get to heaven!"
And he ain't into religion, it just fits. Mack is going into a situation where he has no allies, the odds against him, hell, the owner is the referee in this match as if it wasn't stacked already. Ravyn Crow and Midnight!
"It began with you Midnight, your attacks on me and then Ravyn was introduced and it became the two of you and now ya get a shot at me, a crack, but where is the almighty impact to lay down what your all about? Your time is ticking down in that regard, but as I have said, I'll be waiting for I am a patient man. As for Wednesday, it's a fight and winning is not necessary for me to do, winning is not my goal, winning is not what I look to accomplish on Extreme. Surviving, going against the grain, against the standard, defending myself because its what ya gotta do sometimes. So Ravyn and Midnight, you can tell your 'Lord' Oliver if he wants so bad to meet me face to face, then he can bring his ass to me. I got a schedule I maintain for this business I am in, I have dates to keep and well I could change them, what is so important that should cause me to? Cause some wannabe lord wants me to meet him? I don't hold him in as high a regard as you followers do, so give me good reason to break my schedule up and make time to visit and I will. Until then, keep on coming to me and make an impact or just die by the side and fade out like so many have, its your choice."
Well yes it is their choice, but what will they choose to do is the question that only they can answer. So moving along, in the handicapped match we also got Gabriel!
"The Devils Messenger, so ya gonna send me a message are ya? I remember back in '08 ya tried that and I sent your ass down to the canvas and went on to become King of S...oh yea, Extreme, fucking corporate assholes changed the name, but can never change the product! Gabriel, ya stepped to Mack, ya put my ass down, ya came for me, ya sent a message and now its time to follow up with the impact of impacts, put Mack down for good, c'mon son, do it, do what so many tried and could never do, take Mack out! Ya been in and out of here, ya been in the ring with many past stars, but ya have yet to really stand out and separate yourself, so now is the time, now is your time, do it or die, but die trying!"
Least ya try, but is it really worth it if ya don't do it? Mack is more targeted than the World Champ, he has a bigger fucking bulls eye on him than Chris Orton can fathom, though Mack may be getting an even bigger one if that is possible. One more in the match and he put Mack down after suffering a loss to him, a fatal four way loss, but a loss is a loss. He got up and stated he was still here and standing, so now Dante Davlin gets a crack at Mack with four others.
"All he has to do is step to me, step up and lay his claim to fame by taking my ass out, so Dante, its your choice like all the others, whatcha ya gonna do when the maniacs of Mack run wild on you?! Ya gonna run and hide and cower, laugh your ass off, or buckle down, step up, and make yourself somebody? I can't choose for ya son, not for you,. Not for Gabriel, not for the DSS, I only choose for myself. You tried twisting words and fucking me in the head and ya failed in that task, so what now son, what ya gonna do, rip on me for ripping on Hogan, so what? Mackmania is running wild, woooooooooooooooooooo...ha ha, fucking crazy bullshit, its all McMoney's fault damn it!"
Whoa, what, like any of these punks know a thing about McMoney and considering we had two different ones, which one is it, Michael or Ricky? Who gives a fuck, these kids need not worry about McMoney, just Mack and the full frontal assault he is bringing to Extreme, the war that will ensue from this match and no matter how you fight it, how ya end it, there will be much blood spilled, but who's does Mack want most.
"Ravyn Crow, Midnight, Gabriel, Dante Davlin, ya all best step up to me Wednesday, ya better keep my ass busy, keep me down, beat me silly cause that's what Ric wants, me going into the pay per view with no way to win. If ya all don't work towards that one goal, then the outcome will not be good for any of you and ya play right into my hands, so what's it gonna be, all of you, everyone of you, ya gonna work together or have your own agenda?"
Ya gotta work together to win as a team, saying there is no I in team is not a clever cliché, it is true, work together, or crumble. Ric has the plan, he is gonna be out there, so ya gonna follow or lead?
"Anyone, but Ric tries to lead and its chaos, its anarchy and its right into Mack's playground, it is my ring anyways, ya really wanna make this happen in my world? If so, then say fuck the team and use your own path, its what Mack does, then again, ain't none of you Mack and it'll be a long time before anyone reaches this level in EF'NW and that boys, girls, that is a fucking shoot, so I'll see ya Wednesday night and who knows what ya all will see cause ya all ain't got a clue about me, no one ever has!"
A true statement, but will Mack overcome the odds, will he be able to bust through all four opponents and the referee for the match, Ric Dick son of a bitch, the owner of the company. A no win situation for Mack, but then again, is it? Is this gonan be the beginning of his downfall or does Mack indeed have something up his sleeve? What will happen, who will win? All answers will be found on Extreme and a whole lot more!

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