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universal6 star tag team

Birth of Christ

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 06:51:00 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:31/01/2010 2:42 AMCopy HTML


Doesn't that
look beautiful on you Ice Cream

 Johnny Camaro
5 Star Frog Splash
Next match
Chris Orton vs. Johnny Camaro
Sandy, you said I can't make good are pee's. Well I got 2 words for ya: Happy?
Ya this layout is a test so hopefully it works
Burn Halo's "Save Me" hits the sound system, as the fans basically explode from their seats. Why? Because the Quintessential Star, Johnny Camaro, is making his way out to the ring. The lights flashing silver, orange and purple to the beat of the song, Johnny steps out through the entranceway, the lights behind him silver and gold, producing a gold aura around him. Sunglasses covering his eyes, and a smirk on his face, wind blows through his hair as he walks down to the ring. He walks down to the ring, a smile on his face, as he lets his coat fall to his elbows, exposing his perfectly toned abdomen and muscular arms. He walks on the padding around the ring and steps up the steel stairs, turning around and hooking his arms on the top rope, allowing the fans a cursory glance at himself. He holds the pose for a few seconds as camera snaps go off, before entering the ring. He goes towards a turnbuckle and throws his arm in the air, much to the applause of the fans. Yeah. he's hot. He gets down, and grabs a microphone, and lifts it to his mouth.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Johnny said - almost inaudible compared to the decibal level that the crowd is putting out there. "Allow me to introduce myself; I am THE QUINTESSENTIAL STAR!"

The fans go nuts, as predicted. Hype! The fans are orgasming harder over this guy than we've seen in quite a bit. Once there is a lull in the screaming, Johnny continues to speak.

"Bobby James, what can I say? You almost had me. You were so close but karma had to strike then and help me win the match. You see I had you beat, but your pal came in and almost costed me the match, then revengence was mine when you gave me that Double Arm DDT off of a ladder onto all our weapons. We were both knocked out and I got the victory, and all because you gave me the wrong move in the wrong place. There were some people (Mostly haters of the JC) who said you were screwed. Well it is true, the ref did count fast for me, but you and I both know you weren't kicking out. Besides that, you were bullying the ref throughout the match because you though he counted too slow, well he counted faster and now you're mad at him. Whatev' it's not my area this week so I won't touch it, besides if I do then there will be a rematch and I told you it will ended in that match."

He looks around and takes off his sunglasses and hang them off of his necklace.

"As for Chris Orton, me and you this week, ain't nothing in our way. Chris, this is my oppertunaty to prove I am worthy of your title, and that I am more then able to beat you. Chris I'm not getting cocky, I just see this as an oppertunity to really shine. I see this as the big bang I wanted, I needed before I can get any title. Orton, I respect you and I know what your capable of. Basically, I'm ready for you and it's time for my raise to fame, this will be the thing that sets me apart from the rest. This will be the thing that makes people remember the name....The Quintessential Star Johnny Camaro! No more will Johnny Camaro be known as Nikky Venom's buddy or tag partner, no, Johnny Camaro will be known as the underdog who beat the best in this company and is only going up. Chris. Johnny Camaro, The Quintessential Star is riding a high that won't be brought down. I'm riding a high that will only get higher at Extreme. And when my hand is raised and all is said and done, I will basically be the next inline for any title."

The Fans are now insane and loving this cockyness flowing through him, Johnny just waits until he is able to speak.

"Right about now, I feel like the Christ of Wrestling. Ya...I like that. Thee Christ of Wrestling Johnny Camaro. But I digress. Yours truely is ready for anything, and Orton you better bring the goods"

C H R I S T 

I wake up. I look to my right and I see the warm glow of the sunlight setting over downtown Owensboro. A glass window seperates me from the outside world, protecting and suffocating me. I'm in a bed in a hotel overlooking the city - there's the Owensboro Sports Center, displaying the advertisements. I see myself, only in big gigantic banner form.
Shit. I roll out of bed, making no attempt to cover up my naked body. I have little to no memory of what happened last night after the 9th shot. Fuck this hangover. I walk to the washroom and look in the mirror; I look like a common drunkard. I suppose thats what I am, after all.

A splash of cold water to the face and I'm feeling a bit more with it. I look through the nearly barren medicine cabinet, and down a few Advils just in case. My eyes are blood-shot and my mouth is dry.


A comb will solve the messy hair, sunglasses will fix the blood-shot eyes. Above all else, I feel perfectly fine and obviously (with a few adjustments), look perfectly fine. I just can't remember shit. What the fuck did I get myself into? Was I dateraped? No, I wouldn't be in my hotel room if I did.

What the hell?

There's a tattoo on his left arm that didn't use to be there. It was a Jesus cross sharpened at the end and it went through a bleeding heart. I go out to the bed again this time I'm questioning why I'm buck naked? That's answered easily when I find a note on the end table.

            I've enjoyed our time last night and the sex was amazing. 
 I had to go early this morning for work. Please call me again. You
have my number.

What the fuck! Damnit! Just the thing I need, to feel bad. She used the hotel's free in-room pad of paper! Now I'm one page short!

I walk over to the coffee machine on the counter. Added the coffee and the water, now I turn it on and hear something that sounds like a fat man with the runs. After what feels like an hour of brain crunching noise it's done and the coffee smell starts to make me feel better. I walk to the window and look at the arena.

Damn I look good on that banner

I take a sip of the coffee. The one thing I cannot do without is coffee in the morning. I would die if I didn't have it. A knock comes on the door.

Door's open!

Some corperate man from EF'nW comes walking in and starts talking to me about last weeks Extreme and my promo-the part involving Bobby James-and some other shit I wasn't paying attention to.

Whatev' just let me get on with my day. What happened last week had to be addressed and I did it. Now please, don't give me this shit about "What you did was wrong and hurtful" 'cause it ain't working. And besides isn't corperate high 28 hours of the day?

Clearly I offended him because he just got up, left, and slammed the door on his way out.

Slam that door harder please...Ass!

I just go back to looking out the window. Orton here we go. I've made the first move, now it's your turn.


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