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DSS search for Ravenna(DSS/RAVENNA REPLY ONLY)

Started by Midnight, April 07, 2023, 06:52:57 PM

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Date Posted:31/01/2010 10:57 AMCopy HTML

We find ourselves inside the Blood Manor mansion, where all of the members of DSS are gathered around the round wooden table in the dining room. They was having a meal and discussing a variety of things, when the subject of Mack comes up.  All of them go silent but Lord Oliver, as he stood up and spoke.

Lord Oliver: It seems Mack wants me to go to him. I guess the weather of Romania isn't exactly pleasant to all who come forth. If he wants me to show up at the arena, then I guess I will have to show up and have that talk with him. As for Steve Weigel..(pauses and then slams his fist on the table in a angry manner) HOW DARE THIS PIECE OF SHIT KIDNAP RAVENNA! HE NEEDS TO PAY FOR HIS CRIMES!

Lord Oliver sits down calmly as Ravyn speaks.

Ravyn: I got the death dealers searching for her. I want him as bad as you do.

Midnight interrupts.

Midnight: My Lord...why don't we place a bounty on his head and anyone who wants to collect, can. This way, everyone can help us get Ravenna back.

Demonica: I say that is a wise idea mother. I did talk to Damien and he informed me that Ravenna is in an abandoned buidling somewhere near the arena.

Lord Oliver: I want ALL abandoned buidlings searched throughly. Draven..I want you to get me Steve's file on his career and his life. GO!

Draven gets up and takes off running out the door as Arianna walks in holding her gun as she unloads the empty shells out of her revolver. All eyes are on her as she spoke.

Arianna: I just dealt with one of Steve's bodyguards at the club where he normally would go, and they gave me some information as to why she was taken. Seems that he did it to get under Nikky's skin and to make Nikky mad for laughs. He was trying to take Nikky off his game. Lucky for Steve I found this..

Arianna reaches in her pocket and flung the item towards Lord Oliver, who picks it up and examines it. It was Steve's wallet with his home address. Lord Oliver smirks as he speaks.

Lord Oliver: I want everyone to go at his home and I want his home ransacked and combed for clues. I want everything on this bastard. NOW GO!!

They all get up from the table as Lord Oliver sat back down calmly. The scene fades for a few.


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