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Singles Match (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 06:57:35 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:31/01/2010 10:37 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg standing outside what appears to be a sleazy motel. People can be heard arguing and shouting at each other in the distance. Diamond Dogg looks on without a care and holds a championship title belt over his shoulder. It isn't the SEF/EFNW International Championship as we saw Diamond Dogg destroy it in his last promo. The camera zooms in and Diamond Dogg speaks.

"So, Bobby James, you've finally replied to Diamond Dogg huh? You finally found the balls to speak up? Well Diamond Dogg congratulates you. But Diamond Dogg doesn't congratulate you on losing to a nobody like Johnny Camaro. You talk hard to Diamond Dogg, but so far Diamond Dogg is undefeated since he returned, while you've lost at least two matches so far. Something tells Diamond Dogg that you'll lose ours as well. Diamond Dogg plays hard ball, everybody knows that. Everyone knows Diamond Dogg is a tough son of a bitch. So you'll have to really pull out all the stops if you hope to defeat Diamond Dogg."

"You say your coming for Diamond Dogg's EFNW International Championship. But obviously you didn't get the memo that Diamond Dogg doesn't recognize the name EFNW and that Diamond Dogg also destroyed the International Championship. When they gave it to Diamond Dogg, Diamond Dogg could see that it no longer represented SEF, but rather EFNW, so Diamond Dogg tossed it in the trash and burned it. The International Championship no longer exists. In it's place is the SEF Iron Man Championship."

"Diamond Dogg considers himself to be the first ever SEF Iron Man Champion. And since our match isn't an Iron Man Match, even should you win, Diamond Dogg wouldn't consider you the new champion. Diamond Dogg will only defend his SEF Iron Man Championship in Iron Man Matches. Are you an Iron Man Bobby James? Diamond Dogg thinks not. Diamond Dogg thinks you are soft. Diamond Dogg doesn't think you are cut out for life in the SEF or whatever Richard wants to call it these days."

Diamond Dogg pauses, and listens in on what sounds like a case of domestic violence. Diamond Dogg chuckles at the sound of men and women beating each other and berating each other.

"You say Diamond Dogg is gay? Diamond Dogg is not gay. Diamond Dogg doesn't care about genders. Diamond Dogg will love you like he loves Becky. He'll love you like he loved a toothless hooker back in Memphis. Just because your a guy doesn't mean Diamond Dogg can't show you love too. Diamond Dogg will show you love after he breaks you in our match on Extreme. Diamond Dogg will show you love after you wake up from the Beast Choker. Diamond Dogg can be a friend to you. But first you must pay for all the naughty things you've said to Diamond Dogg. You will learn that Diamond Dogg is your master."

"You say you didn't piss and moan about getting a title shot with Diamond Dogg? Diamond Dogg doesn't accept your excuse. We all know your really a bitch. You try to say you almost beat Sandman and Emmett Murdock on your own, but you didn't. You never came close to beating them. And now you say you can beat Diamond Dogg when you couldn't even beat Johnny Camaro? Don't make Diamond Dogg laugh. Diamond Dogg sees the bitch in you. You did piss and moan, and then want to act all surprised when management gives in. Not surprising really considering how pathetic management in this company has been lately. Richard E. Dangerously is obviously a weak owner like TNA's Dixie Carter."

"Yes, Diamond Dogg is thankful that he no longer has to deal with Triple Threat Matches or Tag Team Matches. Diamond Dogg is happy to have a Singles Match with you or with anyone really. Diamond Dogg is tired of fighting multiple opponents. Not because Diamond Dogg is scared to fight multiple opponents, but because it gets boring after awhile. This Singles Match of ours will be good for Diamond Dogg."

Diamond Dogg pauses again. This time he listens to the sound of gunfire in the distance. Diamond Dogg chuckles and wonders if the spouses got tired of each other and decided to kill the other.

"Your pleasure shall come from Diamond Dogg's pain? Are you serious Bobby James? Apparently you also didn't get the memo that Diamond Dogg loves pain. Both giving it, and getting it. Are you really going to enjoy hurting Diamond Dogg if he enjoys it? You don't don't seem to do the sadist routine well. We're not lovers, and your not out to hurt Diamond Dogg just because he likes it. You obviously want to hurt Diamond Dogg because you hate him. But if your not Diamond Dogg's lover just trying to see that his fetish is fulfilled, then trying to hurt Diamond Dogg while he enjoys it, really seems to defeat the purpose of it doesn't it? Don't you think so Bobby James?"

"If you really want to beat Diamond Dogg, then you'll have to really want it bad. You'll have to damn near kill Diamond Dogg to win. Diamond Dogg won't just roll over like your lover Steve Weigel does for you. Diamond Dogg will make you earn victory over him. This will be the hardest fight of your life Bobby James. And we shall see if Boston's Best, is really anything good at all. Because from what Diamond Dogg has seen of you so far, Diamond Dogg cannot say he is impressed."

"That's all for now, cut the camera."

The camera begins to fade out, and as it does, we see Diamond Dogg walk off towards what appears to be his van. And then...nothing...

Fade out...

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