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Talking Titles at Extreme Part 2

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 07:32:04 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:01/02/2010 2:56 AMCopy HTML

A staff doctor is bent over Bobby James as he tends to a few scrapes recently sustained at the hands of The Dark Shadow Society.  Boston's Best pushes the doctor away and rises to his feet while grabbing his Red Sox hat before heading out the door and back down the hallway.  James paces through the back area of the arena while making his way through to the exit door to hop into his Charger.  He speeds off and drives away.  Soon enough the Charger is seen racing into the parking lot of a corner bar where Bobby James quickly strolls in and to meet up with Steve Weigel.  Looking at Weigel he shakes his head and motions for a beer as he plops down and orders a beer.  While he starts downing it Steve speaks up.

" The Legendary " Steve Weigel -- You look like shit dude.  That ain't a way to go into a title match.  Get some fucking rest.

James just grabs him by the shirt and pulls him close to his side.

" Boston's Best "  Bobby James -- Your god damn right I look like shit.  Those wannabe vampire sons of bitches jumped me right after I was done talking about my match.  That bitch Ravyn and her boys are trying to get to you through me and I ain't gonna stand for it.  See those stupid punks can pretend all they want about their kingdoms and how dark and mysterious they are but I don't buy into their deceit and treachery.   For my will is as strong as theirs , and my kingdom is as great and they have no power over me.  Vampires and the like are for the weak minded the feeble who think that sucking on things gives them true power.  Nay I say true power comes from within.  Not from others.  My job isn't to play games with them or you Steve.  I'm not your middle man.  I don't want a part of your bullshit kidnappings.  That's on you and its on your head not mine.  My job is to get things done in that ring.  You understand that don't you?

Steve pulls himself away and shakes his head yeah.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- See I listened to Diamond Dogg talking his trash again about wanting to get into my booty but about how he isn't gay.  Just likes sex with everything.  Some shit like that.  I don't care what he says about it.  He can stick with his pigs , horses and eighty year old hookers.  What did he call her his grandma?  See I think I got an idea of what happened to him.  All this talk about having sex with random things and how he loves to be in pain.  It just makes sense really if you think about it.  I'm sure as shit that he was a victim of childhood abuse.  Now you know I'm not just talking about a simple paddling and belt beating.  Not any of that crap mind you.  Everyone of us got the belt or hand to the ass as a kid.  But I'm sure he was getting it if you follow me.  I think he had an abusive home life.  Probably had an abusive father who fucked him senseless.  Stuck it to him.  Gave it to him hard.  I bet the bastard.  Well their both really bastards aren't they?  But I bet that bastard didn't even use any K-Y or Anal-Eze for his sons virgin ass the first time he penetrated him.

Steve was listening to James ramble on and spit out some of his beer.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Don't waste the fucking beer on the truth.  You know it happened to him other wise he would always be wanting to fuck anything he can get his hands on.  Shit the next thing you know is he is gonna try to grab about some teenager at a skatepark.  I could see that white trash bitch sitting in a van rubbing it out to those little emo kids while he dreams of breaking them in.  Shit the punk thinks hes gonna walk all over me and give me a ride.  I'm not some little kid for you to molest.  I fight back.  Heck I bet the kids fight back to until he pulls out the chloroform and puts them to sleep.  There's a word for what Diamond Dogg is an that's a Sex Offender.  Not a champion.  Just a simple case of childhood abuse straight out of that show Law and Order.  That one about the special victims where kids are always getting molested.  He thinks that its gonna be a cake walk.  Talks like he has already won the match.  I heard him mention that Johnny Camaro beat me and if I couldn't beat him what chance do I have against Diamond Dogg.  Well I say it depends on what I put forward. 

James downs his beer and orders another one.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I do like he thinks I took my sweet time to respond but here's the real news unlike some people I just don't sit around scratching my nuts and pounding puppies in their asses.  Some guys have other things to do and things to take care of.  But that's not your concern.  You just concern yourself with the granny porn.  Sure I saw that he wants to be The XXX Iron Man Champ or some crap like that but really I couldn't care less what type of match it is.  Come hell or high water I'll whip his white trash ass all over God's blue mat.  He can call me soft but I was left with The Sandman and Murdock.  He walked off like the bitch he is.  So who's the soft one.  The one who stands and fights or the one who runs with their tail tucked between their legs? 

( speaking like Diamond Dogg )  " Diamond Dogg " -- Diamond Dogg left Bobby James in the ring.  Diamond Dogg let him get what he deserved.  Diamond Dogg knows Bobby James is arrogant.  Diamond Dogg says he runs his mouth too much.  Diamond Dogg don't got nothing to prove.  Diamond Dogg is the man.  Diamond Dogg likes to spit.  Diamond Dogg likes to talk shit.

( stops talking like Diamond Dogg )  " Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Diamond Dogg likes to hear his name spoken.  Diamond Dogg is just a bitch.  He ain't gonna make me anything but the new champion.  See Doggy can talk all he wants about the past and how I lost that match or some other match but reality is at Extreme I'm in the ring with him.  Whatever pains I may have will be pushed to the side.  He'll have trouble with a capital " B " and  think to himself that I am too much for that gutter trash to handle.  Just get in the ring and get it done if he can.  I have to kill him to rip that title away?  Well that's fine by me.  I'll bathe myself in his blood.  He wants to enjoy his pain.  I'll give him just what he wants.  And that's my promise.

Boston's Best pops the bottle open and starts to down the beer while Weigel does the same.

TBC by No One But The Author

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