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The Late Late Show An Extreme Promo

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 07:37:03 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:01/02/2010 2:06 PMCopy HTML

The inside of a television studio is seen as a logo comes across the screen in white lettering " The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson ".  Craig is coming back on the stage after ending his latest skit which took place right before the commercial break featuring him and his last guest Toby McGuire taking snapshots in a staged nursing home Olympics event.  Which saw Craig upstaging a grandma in a wheel chair race and holding a golden cup at the end.  As he takes a seat behind the wooden guest he smiles to the camera and starts to speak.

" Craig Ferguson " -- Folks right now I'd like to introduce our next guest and he is a new member of the then SEF and now EF'NW.  Please welcome to the stage " Boston's Best " Bobby James.

A light music intro is played throughout the speaker system as from the left out walks Bobby James in a pair of jeans and an AC/DC quarter length sleeve t-shirt with his hair styled in a slight mohawk design.  Both men share a shake as James takes a seat on the couch while Craig starts to ask a question.

" Craig Ferguson " -- Soooo Bobby you've recently signed on with EF'NW but what about the other bigger wrestling promotions like The WWE , TNA or even Ring Of Honor?  Why choose this federation to build a career around.

Settling back Boston's Best answers the question.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Well you see Craig it goes back to being a challenge.  Take for example in The WWE you just sit around and do nothing and sooner or later your just given a title.  You stay there long enough and somehow you become champion.  Unlike like here in The EF'NW.  Or even with TNA they just always manage to screw someones career up.  The wrestlers don't know how to fight.  They just walk through the matches and that's not the way I want it.  I need far more for myself.  That's why I needed to enter that ring.  Plus my boy Steve Weigel got me interested to compete their with him.  Me and him are on the path to gold and glory.

Craig interrupts for a moment to make a statement.

" Craig Ferguson " -- Speaking of gold and glory.  I hear that this Wednesday you will be taking part in your first ever championship match on Extreme.  You'll be facing your former tag partner Diamond Dogg for his championship.  I'm not quite sure if I understand this properly or not but he destroyed the old International Championship and is now The XXX Iron Man Champion.  Is that correct?

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah I believe that's right.  But Craig not alot about Diamond Dogg makes much sense.  He is into bestiality.  He claims that hes not gay yet he wants to bed me.  Make me his bitch.  I just don't understand where all that pent up anger comes from.

" Craig Ferguson " -- Maybe he was a victim of sexual abuse by a family member as a child.  I bet that would account for his fits of rage and open sexuality.

Bobby shakes his head in agreement.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah I thought that too Craig.  You can never be too sure when it comes to stuff like that but I would say its more likely possible than not possible.  Hell I have some gay and lesbian friends and all but one of them were sexually abused as a child.  Especially the ones who claim to be bi-sexual.  It's almost like their trying to make up for the horrors they suffered.  But in this day and age saying your bi is like saying your left handed.  Now its the popular thing to be because you feel like you fit in to different groups.  So they can make a scene and get that attention they so badly want.  What better way then to constantly talk about your sexual escapades and pathetic desires.  But my boat doesn't float down that creek.  I'm an exit only guy.

" Craig Ferguson " -- Well what about having to face him even though he was your partner?

Bobby rolls his eyes at that statement and starts to explain.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Craig he wasn't my partner.  We just tagged for one night.  That's it.  He walked out on our match and let me try to handle both men from the other tag team and interference from Johnny Camaro.  Yeah in the end I lost the match but I showed that no matter the odds I'd always fight back.  It's one of the things that Diamond Dogg forgot to put into account when he tried to screw me and it will come back to haunt him.  I guarantee that.  Diamond Dogg spits alot of half truths.  The truth is that yeah I lost my match to Johnny Camaro.  But the real truth is that I beat his ass in the process.  A simple thing like his limp hand laying across my chest secured his victory.  That's it.  But when it comes to things like pain.  He says he loves it.  Want's me to love him with pain.  Then I shall lavish it upon him.  If pain is love for him then he'll drown in it.  Yet the true pain will be when I get his title no matter what he calls it and no matter what the cost.  He just needs to make sure that he can back up his words in a singles match against Boston's Best.  Because I foresee a different outcome with that being him realizing as the bell rings my arm will be raised in victory and his head will hang in defeat.  Then he shall know true pain.

" Craig Ferguson " -- Thanks for that interview Bobby.  It's been enlightening.  Stay tuned for our musical guest " Billy Talent ".

Exit music starts while the camera goes to another commercial break both Bobby and Craig talk amongst themselves.

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