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Started by The Rocket, April 07, 2023, 08:32:12 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:01/02/2010 11:24 PMCopy HTML

EE has finally closed its doors which left me once again without a job and as I was told by my wife when Ryan Payne ended my career in WGEF, I'm not allowed to step foot inside my home in Hollywood, California until I can walk through that door with a leather strap and some gold over my shoulder.
So where did I go when EE shut its doors? I did the next best thing and I went back to where it all began. It's probably not something I should tell my wife about. I own a place in my hometown of Houston, Texas. And since EE shut down, that is where I've been since that time. I've got a private ring where I've been training with some trainers and not only do they believe I'm ready to go but I believe I'm ready to go. About a month ago I went ahead and signed a contract with one of the BIG name promotions which at the time was known to the world as SEF, this week though the name changed to EFn'W. Defiantly a strange name change but who am I to argue with management's decision? I can tell you who I am but that would take the fun out of the surprise reveal at the end. The world is going to find out just who I am this Wednesday night when I make my debut in EFn'W. It's finally time for me to go to that next level and like I said in two days the world will find out just who I am and it will be more of a surprise to the fans then it will be for whoever's patch I happen to cross.

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